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Navigating the Digital World: How to Find Peace of Mind in Web Design and Digital Marketing Services

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals alike. From websites that serve as virtual storefronts to digital marketing strategies that drive engagement, the digital world offers tremendous opportunities. However, it’s also a realm that can evoke a range of worries and concerns, especially for those embarking on the journey for the first time. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common concerns that prospective clients often have when considering web design and digital marketing services and offer insights on how to find peace of mind in this dynamic space.

At Strive Enterprise, we’re your silent companions on the path to digital peace. Together, we can explore how our expertise can transform concerns into confidence, and hesitation into harmonious success in the digital sphere!

The Budget Worries


Concern: One of the most common worries is the budget. Clients often wonder if they can afford professional web design and digital marketing services, especially if they’re a small business or a startup.

Solution: It’s essential to recognize that digital services come in a variety of price ranges. The key is to align your budget with your goals. Start with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and find a service provider that offers scalable solutions. Remember, digital marketing can be highly cost-effective when executed strategically, delivering a strong return on investment (ROI).

The ROI Question


Concern: Clients often question the return on investment for web design and digital marketing services. They wonder if the money they invest will translate into tangible results.

Solution: ROI is a legitimate concern, but it’s essential to view it in the long term. Digital marketing, when done right, can yield substantial ROI. Look for a service provider that can provide case studies or references to demonstrate their track record. Moreover, define clear, measurable goals and ensure they align with your business objectives. Transparency and data-driven strategies can help you track progress and gauge the impact of your investment.

The Complexity Conundrum


Concern: The digital world can seem complex and overwhelming. Clients worry about navigating the intricacies of web design, SEO, PPC advertising, and other digital marketing strategies.

Solution: Digital marketing can indeed be intricate, but you don’t have to go it alone. Seek a service provider that offers guidance and education throughout the process. A good partner will explain the complexities in simple terms and involve you in decision-making. You don’t need to be a digital expert; you just need a trusted guide.

Transparency and Trust


Concern: Clients may fear a lack of transparency in digital marketing services. They worry about hidden costs, undisclosed strategies, and uncertain outcomes.

Solution: Transparency should be a non-negotiable factor in your partnership. Look for a service provider that provides clear, itemized pricing and a breakdown of services. Ask for regular reports and updates on progress. A trustworthy provider will have nothing to hide and will welcome your questions.

Achieving Desired Results


Concern: The ultimate worry is whether the services will deliver the desired results. Clients fear investing time and resources without seeing their online presence grow.

Solution: Finding the right partner is crucial to achieving desired results. Look for a service provider with a proven track record and a portfolio of successful projects. Ask for references and case studies. Additionally, communicate your goals and expectations clearly from the beginning. A good provider will tailor strategies to align with your objectives.

At Strive Enterprise, we are dedicated to turning your concerns about achieving your desired results into successful outcomes. Hand-in-hand, we can discover how our time-tested strategies and customized approach can propel you towards your online objectives.

Finding Peace of Mind in the Digital World

  • Seek Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from peers or industry associations. Word of mouth is a powerful indicator of a service provider’s reliability.
  • Check Reviews: Look for online reviews and testimonials. Feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into the service provider’s performance.
  • Inquire About Experience: Don’t hesitate to ask about the service provider’s experience in your industry or niche. Experience often translates into a better understanding of your specific needs.
  • Evaluate Communication: Assess the provider’s communication style and responsiveness. Effective communication is key to a successful partnership.
  • Request a Consultation: Many service providers offer free consultations. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your concerns, goals, and expectations in detail.
  • Review Contracts Carefully: Before committing, review service agreements carefully. Ensure they outline services, timelines, pricing, and expectations clearly.
  • Start Small: If you’re unsure, consider starting with a smaller project to gauge the service provider’s capabilities and reliability.

The digital world is undoubtedly complex, but it’s also a realm of boundless opportunities. Your peace of mind in web design and digital marketing services can be achieved through careful planning, education, transparency, and choosing the right partner.

At Strive Enterprise, we understand the worries and concerns that can come with venturing into the digital landscape. Our team is dedicated to addressing these concerns and empowering you to navigate the digital world with confidence. We offer scalable solutions that align with your budget and goals, ensuring that you receive a strong ROI on your investment. Our transparent communication and data-driven strategies provide clarity and peace of mind as we work together to achieve your desired results.

In your quest for peace of mind in web design and digital marketing services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are experienced professionals who can provide guidance, support, and a customized approach to help you succeed in the digital age. The digital landscape is full of potential, and with Strive Enterprise as your partner, you can harness it to achieve your goals and thrive online.


“Why Do I Need a Website if I Have Social Media?” Dallas Web Design vs Social Media for Business

In the era of social media dominance, you might be wondering, “Do I really need a website if I have a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?” It’s a valid question, but one that deserves careful consideration. While social media is undoubtedly a powerful tool for connecting with your audience, building a brand, and driving engagement, it shouldn’t be a substitute for having your own website. In this blog post, we’ll explore the reasons why a website is still essential, even in the age of social media.

Elevate your digital strategy with Dallas Web Design at Strive Enterprise, where we blend the art of web design with the science of digital marketing. Hop on a transformative journey that transcends the limits of social media and unlocks the true potential of your brand online with the help of a trusted Dallas website design agency!


1. Ownership and Control

Your Digital Headquarters: Your website is like your digital headquarters. It’s the one place on the internet that you own and control entirely. Unlike social media platforms, where rules and algorithms can change at any moment, your website is yours to design, manage, and customize as you see fit. You have full control over the content, design, and user experience.

No Algorithmic Limitations: Social media platforms use algorithms to determine what content is shown to your followers. With a website, you don’t have to worry about your content getting lost in a crowded feed or facing restrictions due to platform policies. Your website’s content is always accessible to visitors.

2. Credibility and Professionalism

Online Credibility: Having a website lends credibility to your brand. It shows that you’re serious about your business or endeavor. A well-designed website with professional content and contact information instills trust in your audience. It’s a place where potential customers or partners can go to learn more about you in a structured and professional manner.

Branding Control: Your website allows you to create a cohesive and branded online presence. You can align your website’s design, colors, and messaging with your brand identity, ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

Here at Strive Enterprise, we help boost a brand’s credibility and establish trust with their audience through Dallas Web Design. As a trusted Dallas website design agency, we always work together with our clients to create a professional and credible online presence that aligns perfectly with their brand identity.

3. Content Ownership and Longevity

Content Preservation: On social media, your posts may disappear over time, buried by newer content. On your website, you have the ability to create an archive of your content, making it accessible for years to come. This not only helps with SEO but also allows you to showcase your journey and accomplishments over time.


Evergreen Content: Websites are perfect for hosting evergreen content such as blog posts, articles, and resources. These pieces can continue to attract organic traffic and provide value to your audience long after they’re published.

4. Search Engine Visibility

SEO Benefits: Search engines like Google favor websites when it comes to ranking content. A well-optimized website with quality content can rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means more people can discover your business or content through organic search, expanding your reach beyond your social media followers.

5. Customization and Flexibility

Tailored User Experience: Your website allows you to create a tailored user experience. You can design landing pages, interactive features, and e-commerce capabilities that align with your specific goals. This level of customization is often limited to social media platforms.

6. Data and Analytics

In-Depth Insights: Websites provide you with detailed analytics about your visitors. You can track user behavior, demographics, and engagement metrics. These insights help you understand your audience better and make data-driven decisions to improve your online strategy.


7. E-Commerce and Monetization

Direct Sales: If you sell products or services, a website offers a direct platform for e-commerce. You have full control over your sales process, payment gateways, and customer interactions. It’s an essential tool for businesses looking to sell online.

Monetization Opportunities: For bloggers, content creators, and entrepreneurs, websites offer various monetization opportunities, from affiliate marketing to ad revenue. You can diversify your income streams beyond what social media platforms provide.

8. Ownership of Customer Relationships

Direct Communication: With a website, you can collect visitor information and build your email list. This allows you to communicate directly with your audience, nurturing relationships and keeping them informed about your latest updates, products, or offers.

9. Privacy and Data Control

Data Security: You have control over user data and privacy on your website, ensuring that you comply with data protection regulations. This is crucial for safeguarding your reputation and building trust with your audience.

10. Future-Proofing Your Presence

Adaptability: While social media platforms come and go, your website remains a constant. It serves as a hub that can adapt to changing trends and integrate with new technologies. You can seamlessly incorporate social media feeds, plugins, and integrations into your website.

If you’re prepared to make your website a dynamic hub that adapts to trends and integrates new technologies effortlessly, Dallas website design agency Strive Enterprise is the perfect partner as we always communicate properly—your dream design + our magic = your website’s enhanced adaptability and staying ahead of the digital curve!


At Dallas Web Design agency Strive Enterprise, we’re committed to helping you achieve your online goals. With a team of experts led by our founder, Jose Silvera, boasting over nine years of industry experience, we offer comprehensive web design and SEO services.

Our dedication to excellence and recognition in the form of international awards set us apart as a leading Dallas website design agency. We specialize in tailoring solutions to your unique needs, ensuring your digital presence stands out. If you’re ready to enhance your online presence and achieve digital success, contact us today.


15 Signs That You Are Talking to a Good Las Vegas Website Design Agency

In the digital age, your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. It serves as your virtual storefront, a reflection of your brand, and a powerful marketing tool. Therefore, when it comes to Las Vegas website design, you want nothing but the best. But how can you tell if you’re talking to a good Las Vegas website design agency? We’ve got you covered with an in-depth guide to help you identify the signs of a top-notch Las Vegas web design partner.

Ready to transform your online presence? Your journey to exceptional web design starts here. Join forces with Strive Enterprise, where innovation meets design excellence—embark on a digital transformation that will set your brand apart in the digital arena!


1. A Stellar Portfolio: The Proof Is in the Pudding

A good Las Vegas website design agency will proudly showcase its portfolio of past projects. Take the time to explore their previous work in detail. Look for diversity in design styles and industries served. A portfolio should reflect creativity, innovation, and the ability to tailor designs to the unique needs of each client. Pay attention to the user experience (UX) in the showcased websites. A well-designed site should be intuitive and easy to navigate.

2. Client Testimonials and Reviews: Real-World Feedback

Client feedback is invaluable. Check for client testimonials and reviews on the agency’s website, Google, or social media platforms. Positive reviews and satisfied clients are strong indicators of a reputable Las Vegas website design agency. Dive deeper by reading the content of the reviews. Are clients praising the agency’s communication, responsiveness, and problem-solving skills? These factors are often just as important as design prowess.

At Strive Enterprise, we take pride in our long list of satisfied clients and positive reviews. Our commitment to communication, responsiveness, and delivering exceptional results sets us apart as a trusted Website Design Las Vegas agency.

3. Clear and Open Communication: The Foundation of Success

Effective communication is paramount to a successful web design project. A good agency will be transparent about their processes, timelines, and costs. They will listen to your ideas and goals and provide clear explanations of their strategies. Look for an agency that asks questions about your business, target audience, and objectives. Their understanding of your needs will shape the success of your project.


4. Comprehensive Services: Beyond Aesthetics

Website design is more than just aesthetics. It involves user experience (UX) design, responsive design for mobile devices, SEO optimization, content strategy, and more. A good agency offers a comprehensive suite of services to ensure your website not only looks great but also performs well and ranks high on search engines. They should be well-versed in the latest design trends and digital marketing strategies.

5. Customization: Tailored to Your Business

One size does not fit all when it comes to web design. A reputable agency will tailor their designs to your specific business needs and target audience. They won’t rely on cookie-cutter templates but will create a unique online presence for your brand. Customization goes beyond aesthetics; it involves understanding your brand’s identity and values.

6. SEO Expertise: Visibility in the Digital Jungle

A well-designed website is only effective if it can be found online. A good agency understands the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and will incorporate SEO best practices into your site’s design and content. They should conduct thorough keyword research, optimize meta tags, and ensure your site is structured for search engine visibility.


7. Mobile Responsiveness: Where the World Is Heading

With the majority of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s essential that your website is mobile-responsive. A good Las Vegas Web Design agency like Strive Enterprise ensures that your site looks and functions flawlessly on smartphones and tablets. This includes optimizing images and content for smaller screens and providing an intuitive touch experience.

8. Up-to-Date Technology: Staying Ahead of the Curve

The digital landscape evolves rapidly, and your website should stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. A good agency stays ahead of the curve and can integrate new features and trends seamlessly into your site. They should be familiar with emerging technologies such as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), chatbots, and artificial intelligence.

9. Strong Project Management: Timely Completion

The timely completion of your project is crucial. A good agency will have a well-defined project management process in place, ensuring that your website is delivered on time and within budget. They should provide you with a clear project timeline, milestones, and regular updates on progress.

10. Ongoing Support and Maintenance: Beyond the Launch

Your relationship with a Las Vegas website design agency shouldn’t end when your site goes live. Look for an agency that offers ongoing support, maintenance, and updates to keep your website running smoothly. Regular updates are essential for security, bug fixes, and keeping your content fresh.

Just like how we do things here at Strive Enterprise: making our Clients experience ongoing excellence. We’re committed to providing continuous support to ensure your website stays secure, updated, and vibrant. If you’re seeking a web design partner who values long-term relationships and ongoing excellence, we can embark on a journey of digital growth together!


11. Competitive Pricing: Quality Comes at a Price

While quality comes at a price, a good agency offers competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of their work. Be cautious of agencies that significantly undercut the market, as this can be a red flag. A transparent pricing structure with no hidden fees is a sign of professionalism.

12. Legal and Ethical Practices: Respecting the Rules

Ensure the agency adheres to legal and ethical standards. They should respect copyright laws, provide proper attribution for images and content, and use licensed software. Ethical practices build trust and protect your business from potential legal issues.

13. Results-Oriented: Measuring Impact

Ultimately, a good website design agency is results-oriented. They measure success by the impact your website has on your business, whether that’s increased traffic, higher conversion rates, improved brand recognition, or better user engagement. They should be able to provide data-driven insights into the performance of your site.

14. Accessible Portfolio: Inclusive Design

Check if the agency’s portfolio includes accessible websites. Accessibility ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can navigate and interact with your site. An inclusive design approach not only benefits users but also enhances your brand’s reputation.

15. Personality Fit: A Harmonious Partnership

Last but not least, consider the personality fit between your business and the agency. A good working relationship is built on trust, respect, and collaboration. You should feel comfortable discussing ideas, providing feedback, and working together toward common goals.


In conclusion, choosing a Website Design Las Vegas agency is a pivotal decision for your business. By evaluating these key factors in-depth, you can confidently identify whether you are talking to a good Las Vegas Web Design agency. Remember, your website is an investment in your brand’s future, so it’s essential to partner with a team that can turn your online vision into a reality.

In your pursuit of a top-tier website design agency, consider Strive Enterprise. As an award-winning company with a proven track record, we are dedicated to helping businesses thrive online in the realm of Las Vegas Web Design.

At Strive Enterprise, we bring expertise, dedication to excellence, and a commitment to customization to every project. Whether you’re looking for web design, SEO services, or comprehensive digital marketing solutions in the context of Website Design Las Vegas agency, we’re here to empower your digital journey. Contact us today to take your online presence to the next level with Strive Enterprise.


9 Reasons Why You Need Speed in Your Business

by Charleen Montano May 16, 2022

Your business is running slow. I mean, really dang slow. Is this an isolated incident, or has your team been slowing you down for a while now?

You see, your customers don’t care about the struggles of your business, only the results that you deliver and their satisfaction in the process– truth be told, right straight to the heart.

Honestly, we all know that. All businessmen know that. It’s given.

The world has changed dramatically in the last decade and will continue to change at an even faster pace. Businesses that don’t keep up with this change risk becoming obsolete. This is due to the fact that consumers are no longer satisfied with simply having a product or service available– they want it now!

In business, speed is your competitive advantage.

Speed. Something we all need in business, right? Wrong. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. But seriously, though– speed is essential to the success of your business and actually one of the reasons it won’t fail.

If you’re able to do something faster than your competition, then you have an advantage over them.

This applies to both internal processes, such as payroll or sales reports, and external processes, such as responding to customer emails or shipping orders.

Speed matters in all aspects of the business– including customer service.

Faster companies are more profitable and more agile than slower ones. The faster you can move, the better your chances of success.

So how do you make your business faster? In this article, we’ll define speed and look at its role in running a business.

Or, if a video is more enjoyable to you, you can also watch the live video– Jose Silvera, the CEO of Strive Enterprise, makes videos that could help you grow your business– live weekdays at 9 AM and 3 PM PST on YouTube and Instagram!

What is Speed in Business?

Speed is often confused with execution speed, but it is actually much more than that.

Speed is the ability to move quickly and efficiently with minimal friction.

Speed can be defined as the time it takes to complete a task or activity divided by the resources used to complete it. The result is expressed in terms of time saved or gained compared to other methods or processes.

In business, speed is how a business can execute its strategy. It can be measured by how quickly a company can produce or deliver its goods or services to customers.

Speed is one of the most critical factors in business. It’s not just about your ability to move fast but also about how quickly you can react to changes in the market, customer needs, and new technologies.

The speed of a company’s response can be measured by its time-to-market (TTM), which refers to how long it takes an organization to bring a product or service to market after conceiving it. A company with a TTM of just six months will beat its competition on speed alone.

Businesses that operate at high speeds have several advantages over competitors:

They can adapt more quickly to change. A fast-moving company can respond more quickly when customers’ needs change or when competitors introduce new products or services into the market. This allows them to stay competitive longer than slower companies might be able to do so.

Why You Need Speed in Business?

Speed is the new currency in business. If you can’t keep up with the competition, you’re going to lose out– that’s a fact.

But what if there was a way to increase your sales, save time (and money), and grow your business? Well, you’re in luck.

So, here’s to tell you about 9 reasons speed is essential for business success.


If you want to get from point A to point B quickly, you should use a fast car. If you’re going to get more done in less time, you should use speed in your business processes.

Speed isn’t just about being faster than competitors, though. It’s also about being better at what you do. If you can complete a task in less time than it takes others to do it, they’re going to come back to you again and again because they know they won’t have any problems getting things done with you.


One of the reasons you need speed in your business is to gain more results. It’s not just about getting things done; it’s about doing something right.

The faster you can get something done, the more time you have to work on other essential tasks.

You may think that working at a slower pace will help you avoid mistakes, but that’s not necessarily true. In fact, it can be quite the opposite– working slowly can lead to more errors and mistakes because you’re spending so much time on one thing.

Working quickly means having more time to do other things than just one thing. And this is important because it gives you more time for rest and reflection, which will keep your mind fresh and give you new ideas for what else needs to be done in your business.


The more exposure you get, the better. It’s simple logic– the bigger your audience is, the more potential customers you will have. In addition to that, more people coming through the door equals more profit!

If you want to sell more products, you need to make them available to more people faster so they can see what they are and decide whether or not they want them.

With that said, It’s important to realize that speed isn’t always about being fast or quick but about moving quickly enough so that people can actually experience what you have to offer.


The faster you are, the more credibility you get for your business from your clients and your team.

If you can do it more quickly than other people, they will think of you as an expert. But if you are slow and inconsistent, they will feel that you don’t know what you’re doing and perhaps not even care about their success or failure.

Speed means being able to deliver results quickly. It’s so important because it gives us confidence that we won’t disappoint our clients or customers. When we fail to deliver quickly enough to meet their expectations, we lose their trust and respect.

And when we lose their trust and respect, it’s tough to gain it back later on down the road when another opportunity comes for them to work with us again!

This is what we call “respect-by-default.” If you get things done on time and deliver on time, people will assume that you are competent and trustworthy.


Everyone wants to make money, and the best way to do that is to spend less than you earn. To reach that goal, though, you have to be able to generate enough cash flow that you can actually take money out of business.

There are many ways to increase revenue in your business, but one of the most important things is speed. The faster you can process orders, send invoices, or collect payment on invoices, the sooner you’ll be able to get paid. 

This is why one of the reasons that you need speed in your business is that you can produce more money in than money out. You can’t do that if you’re spending too much time on things like invoicing and expense reports.

Many companies get bogged down with inefficient systems for tracking sales, tracking expenses, and sending invoices. Instead, they should invest in a system that allows them to do all three things simply and quickly to get back to focusing on what they do best– running their company!


The faster you grow, the more money you can make, and the more money you make, the easier it will be to make more of it.

Speed allows you to produce more money and reinvest it back into your business. You’ve got more money coming in than going out, so you can reinvest more money into your business and start growing even faster than before.

Money loves speed.

You can’t get rich by putting in the same amount of work and making the same amount of money over and over again. If you want to make more money, you need to work smarter and more prominent. This is one of the reasons why it’s so important to learn how to build a business that runs on autopilot.

The faster your business grows, the easier it will be for you to grow faster.


The secret to achieving the right speed in running your business is gaining more knowledge and experience better than your competitors.

Speed is a powerful tool for learning and growth as well.

When you move faster, you learn faster. And when you learn faster, you can implement better strategies and tactics.

The more quickly you can do something, the more likely you’ll get right on the first try.

But when it comes to business, speed isn’t just about doing faster. It’s also about learning from mistakes and successes as quickly as possible so that you can keep improving and your business.


When you run a business, it’s easy to get distracted by all the things going on around you and forget about the important things.

Having speed in your business allows you to focus on what needs to be done and get it done. When you’re in a rush, there are no distractions, which means you don’t need to waste time dealing with them.

Speed also allows for more productivity. When you’re moving quickly, there is no time for procrastination or hesitation; this means that your staff doesn’t waste time trying to figure out what to do next or if they should do something at all.

Being fast also means not having to worry about overhead costs such as rent, utilities, staffing, and maintenance costs. If your company is set up properly and can be scaled at any time without additional labor costs, your overhead will always be minimal!


Last but not least, one of the reasons you need speed in your business is that you will have more expansion.

If you are not growing, you are dying.

If you want to make more money, you need to expand.

If you want to expand, speed is essential.

If you take one step forward every day and one step back every week, then in a year, you will be where you were when you started. It does not matter how hard you work or how much effort you put into it; if your progress is slow, then your business will never get anywhere.

Speed means momentum, and momentum means success. You cannot have success without momentum, and if your business lack speed, it will never gain momentum.

The faster a company expands, the more likely they are to succeed because they are expanding at an exponential rate rather than a linear rate which allows them to grow exponentially faster than its competitors who may have started out with similar resources but have failed to take advantage of this opportunity because they lacked the speed required for exponential growth.

5 Quick Tips on How to Increase Speed in Business

Be Organized and Prepared.

Set goals and deadlines for yourself and others involved in the project or task at hand.

Don’t stretch yourself too thin; remember that multitasking doesn’t equal productivity!

Don’t miss a deadline– set up reminders in your calendars, so there’s no chance of missing them (or be prepared for a late fee).

Keep an eye out for slowdowns that could affect your productivity (such as bad weather or traffic jams).

In the world of business, you don’t want to be slow–you don’t have time to be slow! So, it’s important to maximize your speed.

By using some of these quick steps and reminding yourself of the importance of speed in business we have provided above, you can operate at a faster rate without sacrificing quality. In the end, you’re likely to accomplish more in a shorter amount of time.

At a high level, the end result is that we are all our own consumers, and we all promote or consume businesses that align with our goals and mindset. Those who build businesses based on innovation, quality, and a strong customer support system will likely enjoy increased growth.

A business’s ability to create value for its customers is key, and those who take the time to address customer challenges quickly will reap the rewards from doing so.

While we can’t provide any magic bullets, we hope that this article will help you see your way through the maze that big corporations have created for us all. And even if you’re not in a big corporation, these approaches can still help shave off time for your own business.

After all, when it comes down to it: time really is money!

How Can A Website Helps You Speed Up Your Business?

A website is a great way to speed up your business because you can use it to make the process of finding, booking, and paying for your services as fast and easy as possible.

You can also use it to increase the visibility of your business by allowing potential customers to find you online. 

You can’t do business without a website.

And you can’t do business without speed.

But what if you had to choose between the two?

Good news: You don’t have to! 

A fast, reliable website will help you get your customers in and out of your door as quickly as possible, so they can move on to the next thing on their list of things to do today. When you have a faster site that’s easier to navigate, you’ll see more traffic—and more traffic means more customers and more sales from people who are actually looking for what you have in store.

Get it started! 

Contact us.

(833) 886-2681

Strive Enterprise Official Website

We are the Best Web developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Check out our Portfolio

We Also Offer Digital Marketing For Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

See you!


10 Things Your Small Business Website Should Have In 2021

by Jose Silvera July 25, 2021


I wrote this blog post based on my most successful YouTube video, which got over a 1000 views when I had only 20 some subscribers, these 10 things that every great website has, are a definite must for your business’s website if you are serious about growing and expanding it to reach its fullest potential. This blog post is straightforward but its intrinsic value is worth millions of dollars, and maybe even more, I’ve used the content of this blog post to improve my own website and each one of my client’s websites, some of these businesses have seen even a 120% increase in visitors, conversions and sales.

These are proven techniques based on buyer’s psychology, sales fundamentals, and professional prospecting strategies. Don’t take any of these ten things lightly or underestimate their potential to lead customers and visitors to do what you want them to do or buying your products and services. If you already pay for digital advertisement or have a decent or great SEO, you will see an almost immediate increase on incoming phone calls, emails, and revenue, so much that you won’t even believe it like most of my clients when I apply them to their website.

If you are wondering who is this guy Jose Silvera and how is he so good and I don’t know about him, well that’s totally normal and it’s not your fault but mine, you see I have been behind the scene most of my career as a Web Designer and Digital Marketer, I’ve worked for other companies as an employee and helped other small and medium-sized businesses on the side for almost 6 years, it was until May 2019 when I decided to start my own company while I was still a full time employee making websites, managing them, doing marketing research on different industries, creating marketing campaigns on Google, Bing, Facebook & Instagram Ads, Graphic Design, Social Media, SEO… you name it and I have done it if it’s related to the internet!

Some of my biggest professional and personal achievements until now include:

  1. Got businesses with $80K a month in sales, all the way up to $230K+ in monthly sales.
  2. Reduced Google Ads cost per click for client’s accounts from $10-7 all the way down to $2.5 and even from $5 to $0.5 in some amazing cases.
  3. Manage Over $250K a year in Digital Advertisement and counting (only in Las Vegas).
  4. Built websites that are valued $60K and more today.
  5. Helped dozens of businesses over the world to dominate their sector.
  6. Gave work to people that needed it the most and have found a career and a better way of living.
  7. Helped Charities.

By the time I’m writing this blog post (2019),
I currently manage over $250K on Digital Advertisement with only 1 year in business and this number keeps growing every single day.

My main goal when doing anything for my clients is never to compete but to dominate the marketplace beyond what competitors can even comprehend, I’m 100% against following the “industry leader” or the competitors because most the time they don’t even have a clue of what they are doing. Everything I do is fully custom and targeted for each one of these businesses audience, I always do a customer and marketing research (on my customer’s customers profile) in order to make the best decision when building a website or a marketing campaign,

Warren Buffet Says: “The more you learn, the more you earn.”

I hope you enjoy this quick read and apply these 10 things to your business’ website, if you do so, please share with me your success story by sending me an email to; successstories@josesilvera.com, I would love to hear them out!

Please also follow me on Instagram @ijosesilvera and subscribe to my Youtube Channel at youtube.com/c/josesilvera

Now let’s roll!

You Can Watch The Video Here If You Prefer That (if not just keep scrolling) ?

I have to tell you before we start, here we are not targeting to compete with other businesses in your niche, we’re trying to be the very best, to DOMINATE.

So to do that, you need to have an excellent website, high-end, top of the line. Here are some of the essential things that every great website should have, for it to help you be the very best inside your industry.


Take a look at your current website, if your website looks like five years old, ten years old or just freaking old, you have to update your website and make it look newer and modern, fresh, you have to make your visitors feel amazing and relate to your business almost in a personal way, you have to make a connection with them. There’s this persona that you have to target, your targeted audience, the perfect customer that is qualified to buy, that needs your product. And your website needs to suit this targeted audience, if for any reason these customers don’t love your website, then you are doing it wrong.

You can’t take the customer’s preferences for granted, this is all valuable data that you can use in your advantage to make them feel good and if they feel good… they pay good!

Did You Know?!
In 2017 Zillow.com was an award winning website, because of their easy search system and modern design.


The second thing is the visibility of your business’ information on your website; your business information has to be in some place of your website that people can always see it. 
Let’s say you have a header sticks top the top and follows you as you scroll up and down. This is called a “fixed header”. (The header is the top part of the website where the navigation menu usually is).

If you have a fixed header, you’re going to make sure that the phone number, email address or whatever contact information you have is visible all the time. You have a website because you want people to be able to reach you, get to know about your products and services, make sales and/or close deals. Your product information should be apparent at the top, and not just at the top but you should have it at the bottom too and everywhere you see it fits.

The contact information is the most important call to action element on your website, it is the most powerful because it’s makes the direct connection with the customer!

Once they dial in, you got them!


This is very important; out of all the listed things, this one is critical. If your website doesn’t look good on the phone and it sucks when viewed from mobile devices. Let me tell you that 60% or more of people that browse the internet, do it through their mobile devices now. So you have to make sure you get this thing covered and works flawlessly.

What should never happen on a mobile friendly or responsive website:

1. Side scrolling.
2. Overlapping Elements.
3. Hard to Read, lack of contrast of text and background. (will talk more about this later on).
4. Menu is too small or too big, and/or is not a toggle retractable menu.

Did You Know?!
Over three-quarters of adults in the United States own a smartphone. More than
twice the percentage back in 2011. Today, it’s impossible not to see anyone
without and Iphone or Android device.


You want to make sure that when people visit your website, your content is fresh. For instance, you are a restaurant, and you are talking about your food, you don’t want to sound boring when describing your dishes, you want to be interesting, you want people to imagine how good it tastes by just reading your content or looking at your images/videos, you want to evoke emotions and they will be like “ I want to go to this business because it sounds so fun and so delicious!”.

Intrigue them and you will get them to your door!


I think this is the most confusing of them all.

Internal links are hyperlinks or URL’s that direct the visitor to an objective page on your site.

For example, on a website, when navigating up and down through whatever you are reading, there are highlighted links that points people to click if they want more information on a subject and it will look like: “click here, read here, read more” those are internal links too, also the navigation menus, etc.

Internal Links on a site page will enable a reader/visitor to remain drew in with your site longer. This may urge them to turn into a client or adherent. These links are progressively available to readers/visitors, and they increase the authority of your website pages and your website in general. Internal Links are frequently utilized as a source of inspiration. For instance, they may incite a reader/visitor to browse or study a topic by tapping on the internal link, or, in all likelihood, request that a reader/visitor get in touch with you or schedule a visit.

For example, you were talking about this product that is amazing and how it has solved many people’s issues, or you’re talking about a service, or you’re talking about anything you can think of. You want to make sure that these people are able to keep reading and learn more.This is also very important for SEO.


Right now, more than half of the world’s population is on social media, there are over a billion active users on Facebook already, so at this point it is like everybody is using it. You want to tell everybody, “My Business is on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn! I post everywhere, and follow my people religiously, I love my folks on Instagram! Follow me!” and with this, they will keep following you and knowing about your business.

They will see all the new products and services you come up with, so is very important to put social media icons on your website and build that social media presence as well, this will make you lots of money I promise you!


 A fresh web design with visual graphics or effects creates a different kind of user experience. Cool features and an interactive website are key to keep these guys engaged and hooked to your business.

Maybe you have seen these effects before. When you are scrolling down, you start to see new elements coming from oneside or the other, and then come together and form one sentence, or you see this effect where it looks like somebody’s typing on the screen. There is countless effects! These effects catch your eye and therefore your absolute attention! Centuries ago, when we were cavemen, we were always hunting and we were also been hunted by other predators of all sorts. So this instincts are still inside of us.

So what are you going to do with this?

Well you can have a call to action button, for example “shop now” after you talked about your product, you say some little things briefly about it and when they scroll down, the button comes up with a smooth and nice movement, then now you make them aware of the button and that button wasn’t there before, now is there and it is big and it is red or something like that, this catches their eye immediately!

This is an amazing tool to converting people into buyers!

But Shh Don’t spread it!


If you are one of those businesses that your business card is green, then you have your website and it is yellow, and then you also have these flyers and they’re freaking blue with orange… or the epic one, you have like three different logos…

Or whatever crazy thing you are currently doing. Honestly, when I think I have seen it all, bang! There’s always someone that breaks a new record on this.
JUST STOP! You’re not creating a brand; you are killing it.

You need to establish a brand. You need to have a standard and maintain that standard forever and if you haven’t yet, do it right now.

Have these standards, and you always use them nonstop, have consistency with your logo, shirts, website, stickers, colors, flyers, etc.

If you get a billboard, and the billboard is yellow. Then they go to your website and your website is also yellow, and your logo is the same than the one they saw on your billboard, they will know it is the same company and that it is a professional, reputable business that is consistent with their branding. And this my friends, believe it or not, creates trust on your business. And trust is VITAL!

As a business owner you should know this, and you have to start creating consistency for your audience and/or your customer base, look at Coca-Cola, Nike, Disney and all these big names. Disney, has this Castle, Nike has the check mark, and they have stayed consistent forever on their style and branding.

So this is very important guys. You should always repeat and repeat, you brainwash them with your brand, they will trust you and eventually they will buy from you for sure.

Did You Know?!
It takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand, color improves brand recognition by up to 80% and presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%.


This is something that governmental websites just can’t get right, I mean seriously, they have too many things going on. They have all these forms, all these crazy menus that are like endless trees. I suggest you to go to one of these and then you will have the perfect example of what it is that you should never do.

Well getting started with the easy menu is very simple, it can be a sidebar or at the top, even at the bottom but you have to make sure it looks good and it is not confusing. You want even a kid to be able to use it effectively!

The navigation menu has to be easy to use and easy to understand, like for instance, if you click on services, you want the services to show up. And not like, you hover on services and then there is like twenty different services and within each single service, there is like 12 more…

This is the perfect formula to lose all your customers and pass them to your next door competitor almost instantly.

You don’t want that happening on your website, so you need to stop that from happening. (and it might be happening by the time you are reading this and… ups it just happened two times more, you better fix this fast.)

It is better if you create a services tab, and then you show them your main services, so when they click the one they need, they see the different options on the same service.

For Example: Make one for “moving”, and another one for “repair” and “paint”. Visitors will click the one they need, then you distribute that into different types of “moves” or on “paint” you show them all the different colors of paints they can choose from and so on and so forth, you should get the point.

That way it will be easy for them to find what they want step by step.

But if you put everything on the menu, you’re going to confuse people.

So make as easy as possible.

It is fine if they have to look a little bit further on the website by clicking 2 times, than getting confused right off the bat when navigating the main menu, this can be a huge turn-off, you know people are lazy and they want it all stupidly simple.

You don’t want to scare the people that go to your website, and if they go and they are like: “Man, I don’t understand this!”, they will most likely just quit and leave the website because they can’t even browse around. Then all those advertisement dollars you spent will be worthless and you will be better of just lighthing them on fire and dancing around or burning some marshmallows. (BTW, I’ve heard the $100 bills are the best because they last longer when on fire… hey I’m just saying!)

Warren Buffet Says: “Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.”


This is the one thing that is keeping you from converting people and selling.

Getting people closed when buying from you is what really matters, you want your prospects to reach you and then service them to make a profit. (This is the truth)

This is the thing that you’re missing, call-to-action buttons or clear call to action elements on your website.

You have to make sure that you’re talking about your products or services and… Boom! You ought to tell people to buy now and close the deal right there, get their money and finish the transaction ASAP.

So just after you hit them with some good explanation about your product and create value, you go and put a freaking big, buy now, or call us, contact us button!

A lot of businesses are doing this wrong. They got great marketing and they put a lot of money into it, they get people to go to their website, then when they finally get customer’s attention on the product, they read through the text, they love the product and they are all hyped up about them. They are like: “Oh, I love this. I need this product right now!”

Then when they are ready to buy… They don’t even know where to click, they can’t even find where to buy the product, there’s nowhere to click and buy ! OH MY GOD!

There’s no buy now button. There’s no price. There’s nothing to guide them through the process. There’s just no way they can actually buy after they read about the product or service.

If you are thinking: Well they’ll have to go to the menu or look for the product page and… No, no, no, no!

You’re doing it WRONG.

You’re killing the customer’s time and you are destroying all that the previous good things you did. You’re destroying all the funnel and just because you don’t ask people to buy and this is one of the things you need to do when closing a deal.


Grant Cardone Says: “One of the biggest mistakes when closing a deal is never asking for the close.”

If you know about sales and you are reading this, you know what I am talking about and your website is your best salesman, it will work endlessly, it will never talk behind with your other employees and it will never complain.

But you need to have everything in place for it to be a an awesome salesman that will bring you lots of customers and sales.

In conclusion, this call to action button is going to get you more conversions than you will ever imagine, this button is going to be the closing technique of your website when it is going to close the deal!

You need to understand this. You gotta go for the close, you gotta close the customers. Most of your customers already know what they want and/or need. They’ve been researching about this product for six hours or more in average. And this is not BS. I’m telling you these people they know more than you when they go to your website. They have already been through 10 other websites or maybe even more!

And then they find your website. They like your product. They like everything, bang you tell them to buy now.

They freaking go and buy now, and they pay you and that’s what you want!

You want to CLOSE THE DEAL, you want to finish the transaction and take their money.

Grant Cardone Says:
“Business Owner told me, I don’t want to push products on customers.”

Grant replied: “It’s a shame you have products you don’t believe in.”


So now I’m going to give you two bonuses just for you guys!



Bonus number 1 is the loading speed of your Website.

If you have a website that loads in six seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds and people is like: “this thing is never-ending!”

You don’t want that to happen; actually, if you care about SEO, this thing extremely important.

Google wants you to have a website that loads in less than one second. If you achieve this time, I’m telling you you’re going to sell more, you are going to get more conversions, because you don’t want your people waiting until your website actually loads and then leave and don’t buy from you.

Does your website takes 20 seconds to load?

If it does, then you’re out of the game and they’re not gonna come back because they hate your website now. You might not have even seen the website at all.

So all the things on this book like, the modern design and all this other key points we talked about, don’t do any good to you.

You put all this effort on making it look good, but if you have a slow website, because you have a bad hosting server, you are doing things in the opposite direction.

Don’t go for bad servers, invest some money. Don’t be cheap!

Don’t be cheap on something that is going to make you thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars or maybe even Millions per month.

You know, your website is your best salesman, you have invest your money on a good server!

Also invest some money probably on a good developer that is going to optimize your website and make it super fast, this matters guys.

Now, like we talked about previously, more than 60% of people, are using their phones to browse online. Their phones are not as fast as a computer, the internet is not landline hardwired internet or maybe not even wifi. It is not the same thing as having LTE 4G 3G than having wifi, you know?

These guys they don’t even know their plan ran out of megabytes, or whatever their thing is, it is super slow.

And if your website loads Superfast on their phones, guess what… They will buy from you!

This is the first impression before the first impression, you get it?

Did You Know?!

40% of people abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and PageSpeed can have a direct impact on your Google and Bing ads campaign’s Quality Score which will also increase your CPC. (Cost Per Click)


I promised you two bonuses and the second one is a no brainer.

So it’s the most stupid thing you can think of, but this is something that almost everybody does wrong, like almost everybody don’t care about this thing and you let it go but this thing is everything. It is so stupid!

You have to make sure this is on check, that the text on your website is easy to read. You have to make it big you and want to make sure that there’s contrast,

For example: You have a dark background, and you have white lettering.

Not like having a dark background and a grey font…

I mean if it is going be hard for them to read it, they are going to leave because they’re going to hate it and have a bad experience on your website. They can’t read anything if they are of an older age; everything is harder for older people. You’ve got to make sure it’s big enough for them to read or else they will have a bad time reading your content.

This is also being monitored by Google believe it or not, when they send their robots to check the SEO on your website, the robot will go over your website and tell Google if there’s good contrast between your background and the text and also the other things your website is missing. You’ve got to fix this. They’ll tell 40% of people abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and PageSpeed can have a direct impact on your Google and Bing ads campaign’s Quality Score which will also increase your CPC. (Cost Per Click) you on the Google “web.dev” tool. (amazing tool BTW, it will tell you everything that is wrong with your website and fixing this will also help you with your SEO)

If you give your business, you’re targeting older people you got to keep that in mind and those are the little things that your competition is doing wrong.

Remember we talked about dominating not competing. You don’t want to be like the rest of the guys that are using a black background with a gray text color. You don’t want that, and that’s where you kill the competition, that way you dominate the market because you do all these little things right.


I hope you do all these tips I am giving you, because trust me, this is going to get your business from the ground up to the highest places it can possibly get to and then even more!

If you like to be at the top of the food chain and be the very best in your sector, then you need too invest some money on a website, marketing and make sure your customer service and sales team is top of the line as well.

You ought to have an amazing website, one that is perfect and on check with all these things listed on this book and even beyond that, the best very best in your industry, that way you make it clear on who is superior.

Remember that your website is the best salesman you have! And you need to make it work 24/7 for you, a well made website, will never let you down and bring you lots of sales and money to your business.

If you need any help, more tips, have any questions or would like to work with me & my team to help you get your business to the next level, just give us a call: (833) 886-2681 or send an email to and I promise to: customerservice@striveenterprise.com get back to you ASAP.

Your Friend, Jose Silvera.


About Jose Silvera

Owner of Jose Strive Enterprise, youtuber, entrepeneur and author of the “10 things every great website has”, Jose Silvera Manages Over 250K in Digital Advertising a year. Recognized by Google & Bing ads high management for his uncomparable conversion rates and campaign optimization, Jose has helped many businesses all around the globe by increasing their sales by 100%+ through digital marketing and sleek website design.

Strive Enterprise has been selected among the Top Web Design Companies in Las Vegas by Designrush


Getting A Website: What You Need To Know

by Charleen Montano April 1, 2022

So, you’re thinking of getting a website for your business.

But you’re stuck on the process of where to start, what should be things to consider, and you’re having trouble getting the best design that fits your business.

Do you really need a website? Is getting a website essential to growing a business?

Well, yes, and yes!

“Your website is one of the biggest assets your business has, it’s like a salesman that never stops and keeps your door open 24/7”

You can think of your website as the front door to your business; it provides your clients with more information about you and gives them a sense of what you offer. So, make a good impression through it by taking the time to learn about what you need to know before getting one.

Ready to dig in? 

Let’s do this.

Is video more your thing? See the video version of the post, right here:

See dozens more videos on our YouTube channel.

Jose Silvera – YouTube

In this guide we will be covering the following:

What is a Website? (Most common types of Websites)

How does the website work?

Why do you need a website?

The 5 Elements to know before getting a website

How do you want your website to serve your business? (Factors to consider when getting a website)

Ready to get the most creative and catchy website?


OK, let’s start by defining it briefly.

So, what is a website exactly?

Generally, a website consists of one or more web pages as well as related content that is published on one or more servers under a common domain name.

Websites usually consist of photos, videos, and text, and contain information about a business or organization.

Examples are wikipedia.orggoogle.com, and amazon.com. All publicly accessible websites collectively constitute the World Wide Web.

But what are the types of Websites by the way?

What kind of websites will you actually need?

There are actually dozens of different types of websites, and choosing one that is right for your business is crucial. And in order to choose the web that is right for your needs as a designer or small business owner, you need to be familiar with all the types of web pages available.

And because we care for you so much, here are the most popular type of websites you should know:

  • Business

            Basically, a business website serves to provide general information about your company or as a platform for e-commerce.

  • eCommerce

            It allows people to buy and sell physical goods, services, and digital products online rather than in a physical location. It also allows a business to accept orders, ship and handle logistics, and provide customer service.

  • Personal Blog

            This site allows people to share their experiences or information with other readers on any topic.

  • Online Portfolio

            Online portfolios (also called digital portfolios) are a digital collection of works, skills, and experiences that you have developed.

  • Online forum

            A website that facilitates the exchange of information between users about a particular topic. The forum allows for questions and answers and may be monitored to ensure that the content is appropriate.

  • Non-profit websites

            While non-profit websites do not intend to sell products or services to their visitors, they still need to convince people to donate to their cause. Charity organizations use their websites to connect with potential patrons.

  • Brochure website

                        It is a short site that contains the main information people need to know about your business. In addition to allowing uninterrupted access to information about you and providing communication with those who visit your website, the brochure website also serves as a communication tool for your customers.

Often, business uses their websites to attract leads or prospects but don’t close sales through them. Instead, the website aims to generate qualified leads and allow them to submit their information to the business, who will then contact them directly.

It should be obvious by now that the purpose of having a website is to express yourself in any way you wish.

But, let me explain it further, but briefly….


Not a techie? No worries. It is vital that you know how a website works to avoid being taken for a ride in the future.

It’s easy for anyone to understand what a website is: we click on the letters with the blue thing, we Google things, we type in the www-dot-something, then we are looking for a bunch of pictures. Websites work like that right?

To explain it further, as soon as your domain name is typed into a visitor’s browser address bar, their computer makes a request to connect to your web server. DNS looks up the server’s IP address before the request reaches the webserver.

Web servers are internet-connected computers that receive requests to display web pages. An IP address provides your computer with access to a web server.

That’s how websites work.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to understand everything to get a website. Just knowing a simple glimpse of how it works will do. You just gotta have an idea.


Now, you got an idea of what is a website and how it works. And now you are thinking, why do you need one.

Are you a small business owner? Did you just start your business and your friend told you that you need to get one?

Hmm, I like your friend.


So, if I was right then keep reading. We will help you out.


 The majority of businesses cannot survive without a web presence, so there is no reason not to have one. You can make great use of your company’s website as an effective marketing tool. The benefits outweigh the downsides.

 In fact, “81% of retail shoppers research products online buying.” GE Capital Retail Bank reports that a majority of retail consumers start their search online.

Customers would be unlikely to think of you without a website.

Therefore, if you do not have a website for your business then you are not set up for success.

 Now, you must be thinking “So, does this mean I simply need a website to gain customers and then become successful?”

 The answer is: Yes and no, my friend.

 Businesses often make the mistake of thinking that any website will do. The logic goes: If you build it, they will come. Beware! It is also better to not have a website than have a bad one.

 By getting a website, I recommend you talk to an expert about it. They can help you out with the type of website you are looking for or what may be the type of website that fits your business. Or if you have a friend that can help you out, then talk to them.

 The process of getting a website is not that as simple as “Hello, and thank you.” You need to go through all the factors to consider. Talk to someone you can trust to avoid making a mistake and regret it in the future.

Trust me, it will all be worth it!

 And because we care a lot about you so much,

 Here’s the list of things presented by Jose Silvera – Owner of the GUI Web Pro, CEO of Strive Enterprise, a website expert, digital Marketer recognized by Google, and Bing ads for training campaigns with over 100% conversion rates.



Make sure you have images that represent your business. Whether you hire a professional photographer or a friend who takes good photographs, I recommend taking your own picture. It is important to get your original picture.

Imagine visiting a website and seeing familiar Google images, the experience will make a bad impression on you and your business.

Images can be used to draw attention to your site and direct your visitor’s gaze. Using them to present information can be very beneficial. Additionally, images are a great way to draw your visitors in and engage them in your content.

 Now, you must realize that using your own pictures on your site will not only make you unique but will also help you build rapport and trust with your customers.

 Domain Name

A good way to name your website is [Businessname].com. In addition to making your website appear more professional, by having a website address such as this, you can establish a brand.

 Avoid having a website name such as  “We are the best in the market – dot-com.” — No! Please. Do you know how that sounds?

 I hope you know.

 It sounds lame, my friend. So, do me a favor. Don’t do that. Thank you.

 Remember this formula: yourbusinessname.com that will do the trick.

 Text / Content

When getting a website, you should also consider getting the text before you begin. Think about what you really want to highlight such as your experiences.

Content that captures the reader’s attention can be challenging. The average website visitor will spend just a few seconds on the page before deciding what to do. To figure this out, you must also know your audience, which we will discuss later on this page, by doing so, as they are seeing what they want, they are most likely to stay longer and even engaged.


By creating an original logo for your business, you will be able to create or establish your brand. You should ensure it is creative and attractive enough to catch the attention of potential clients.

 Ensure your logo reflects your business and the services you provide.

 You can hire someone to create one for you by getting freelancers from websites such as fiverr.com and upwork.com and of course, pays them as per their particular rate in dollars to build an awesome logo for you. Or, you can create your own if you are crafty and know how to use Photoshop.

 Now, if you have these 5 elements, you are good to go.

 Do not even begin until you have it!

 OK, So, you have those 5 things done? Now what?


 Think about…..

What is the Purpose of your website? Or what SHOULD be the purpose of your website?

                   This could be something like, “I want to have some online presence because my business is already established and I’m doing fine.” Or you just want people to glance at your design and the stuff you do, or you want to have a place you want to show your portfolio, and whatever…

Just think of the things like, what do you want a website to do for you, what do you want the website to accomplish, or why do you want a website?

Let me help you…

Understand Your Customer.

A businessman should, of course, understand their customer by doing some research and knowing who they are and what they want such as general preferences that could easily catch their interest. 

“In the business world, it doesn’t matter what you like, but what the customer likes!”

So, here is what he got to say for getting to understand your customer: Get a sheet of paper and make your customer’s profile.

 Take note: If you are a business owner, you are helping your customer’s problem. You are solving them. So, figure out what their problem is and make a solution for them.

In general: By knowing your customer’s backgrounds, you will have an idea of what they want and how to help them out. Build a rapport!

Keep in mind: Only the relevant things, you can ask them. Don’t be a stalker, it’s illegal:)

 Create an Appropriate Design.

Now, we get to the part of the design. You might want to consider how your website should look, but you have no idea what that should be like. Make sure to not make your website look like that of your competitors, or you will fall behind them. 

Making a good impression on potential customers is easier with a well-designed website. You can also nurture leads more effectively and increase conversion rates. More importantly, it provides an enjoyable user experience for your website visitors, allowing them to navigate and access it easily.

So, by getting a website you should also make a big consideration on what is your customer’s general ideal design. And going back to the last topic, you can achieve this by getting to know their preferences and how you can make it an enjoyable experience for them for visiting your website.

Remember to always think about how to keep your customers interested in your business, and don’t even consider what your competitors do to their sites.

“If you just copy the competition, they will always be ahead of you.”

Be unique and original!

Dominate the market!

Be the map, let them follow you!


 If you’ve made it this far, then looks like you can start looking for a good designer/developer.

 Great business owners aren’t born, they are made.

 Go and take the lead!

 Hey, before we say goodbye. Would like to meet the most amazing web developers that can help you with your problem in getting the right website for you?

 I know,

 I should’ve said it before, but here you go….

Contact us!

(833) 886-2681

Strive Enterprise Official Website

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We Also Offer Digital Marketing For Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios!  See you!

Strive Enterprise has been selected among the Top Web Design Companies in Las Vegas by Design rush



by Charleen Montano April 4, 2022

Spoiler Alert– you don’t have to spend ten thousand dollars to get a decent website!

So, you want to learn how much does a website cost in 2022, huh? It’s no secret that we think the absolute first step to starting getting a website is to know how much it cost.

From the Previous blog, you have learned why having a website is crucial to having a successful business.

Today, let’s learn about what is the range of prices for getting a website.

NOT just a website.

A decent one!

I mean, would you spend a little money on a less-than-perfect product or would you rather spend a little more on what you really desire, what your heart and mind want, what you deserve?

If yes, then this is for you.

Is video more your thing? See the video version of the post, right here:

See dozens more videos on our YouTube channel.

Jose Silvera – YouTube

Now, grab some snacks and be ready to dig in. We’ll wait for you…

In this topic, you will learn about:


Here’s what it is.

So, how much does a website really cost?

We’ll tell you straight away!

On average, though, a decent website cost you $300 up to infinite. Huge companies cost thousands of dollars to build a customized website.

The banks, for example, spent thousands of dollars on their website.

In other words, the more specialized and complex it is, the more money it requires to achieve the goal.


1). use a website builder, 2). build with WordPress, or 3). hire a web designer.

Photo by Stephen Phillips – Hostreviews.co.uk Justin Morgan Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Take note that the method you choose for your website will greatly influence its cost. For example, when you use a web builder, you can create content for free; if you hire a web designer, it can cost you thousands of dollars.

However, before you make your decision, consider this:

Building a website using a website builder is usually the cheapest option. Although WordPress is technically free and open-source, you have to pay for hosting, themes, and plugins, as well as professional assistance from a developer. But, if you need absolute control over the build and customization of the site or if you want the highest level of functionality, it’s best to hire a web designer.

Decide on the right approach for you. Web designers are expensive, but they take the technical headaches off your shoulder. Website builders are cheap and easy, but they don’t offer the same level of control as WordPress does. You can be flexible with WordPress, but it requires the most time and effort.

But I’ll tell you a secret, which would not be a secret anymore if I do so,

If you are a new business owner and want to start small, you don’t want to pay $5000 for a website, right?

So, here’s the deal

With this price range, you can get:

Simple Custom-Made Website (from $500 up to $700)

Custom WordPress Website (from $1000 up to $1500)

Uhuh! You’re welcome.

If you think about it, you can start getting a website for $300 for a decent simple website and anything above that is a little bit better.

Remember, you can start small and upgrade later.

But if you are a brand-new business owner and you were like “I’m going to get a website no matter what, it doesn’t matter, it will make me money right away”– Nope! Please don’t. It does not how it works.

A website can help you get clients’ attention, attracts them, and introduce your works, but….

Marketing will take care of the rest.

And keep that in mind that marketing and a website are not the same things. Unless you invest some money in an advertisement?

Further to help you come up with an idea of what the cost for a website would really be,

As an aside, discussing the cost does not mean just how much you pay, but what you can get out of it.

The following are the pros and cons of each type of way to build a website that I presented above. This way, you can decide what is best for you and will be worth your money.


As we tackled above, there are actually a lot more advantages and disadvantages that you should know and might take into consideration in website builders.

Pros of website builder

No coding skills are required.

          First and foremost, a website builder does not require programming skills. You do not require the help of experts. A basic knowledge of programming is not necessary. People without knowledge of coding are designed to use these programs.

Cheap and Fast.

If you don’t want to wait for months to get your website done, website builders can fix this problem. Those who are just starting out through their first website or those who wants to create a personal blog for random posts can benefit from them.

Easy to Export.

          There are many website builders that allow exporting to other platforms, while some cannot. If you’re switching business or domains, exporting your pages and websites is essential so you don’t have to start over. Among the features that Template Monster offers is its collection of custom-made responsive templates that can be quickly exported to other platforms.

No Design Skills Required.

An attractive website is essential. For it to be visually appealing, they need to follow a theme or style. The designs of website builders tend to be decent enough to draw visitors, even though they don’t promise to create the most beautiful site.

Cons of website builder

Professional businesses may not find this useful.

According to a study 94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website. A quality business website needs SEO coding, professional features, and a quality design. If your website design is cheap, it is more likely that consumers won’t visit it again.

 Remember, first impressions count.

In other words, if the purpose of the site is for business purposes, you will need to hire a professional web designer to enhance the quality and aesthetics.

Designs are not customizable.

If you cannot customize the designs, it means that the designs that you might choose may be replicas of another website that might be using the same builder.

Additionally, adding extras for effectiveness is most of the time impossible. Compared to a professional-looking layout, they look and feel inadequate.

SEO is a problem.

The thing is, in website builders, you don’t have control over the code, only the design and that is one of the reasons why unstructured and messy codes are common among website builders.

 On-page SEO is damaging to your rankings in search engines including Google, which you are trying to improve.

Pages are limited.

Free account holders are limited to a certain number of pages in their website builder, unless they’ve signed up for a premium plan. As we all know, little content also means fewer key words, which leads to fewer searches and lower traffic.

 Occasionally, you will be allowed up to five pages, but other times, only one or two.

Features as well are limited.

After all, a website builder cannot anticipate all the needs of each business, regardless of how well planned it may be. Ultimately, you might end up using a plugin that doesn’t fit your business or nothing at all.


For a broader view of whether or not a WordPress website would be best choice for your business, we will examine several advantages and disadvantages of a WordPress site so that you can better see how it can benefit your business.

Pros of choosing WordPress

Easy to Use.

With a simple dashboard, you can access its different menu options in the sidebar. With WordPress, you can easily create posts and pages, customize your website design, add navigation menus, and more. Beginners can easily maintain their own WordPress websites.

Responsive design.

Responsive WordPress themes adjust their layout according to the screen resolution and size. With responsive themes, smaller screens such as smartphones are easier to read and use. Additionally, you are prevented from creating a mobile-specific version of your site.

SEO friendly.

 WordPress has SEO-Friendly themes and it simplifies the process of optimizing your site for SEO, so you never have to do it yourself.


Plugins are a piece of software that you can integrate into your WordPress site. In addition to adding functionality to your website, plugins also extend the functionality of the site and can be used to build e-commerce, portfolios, and directory sites.

Plugins are available for WordPress, some are free, some you must pay for, but they are all free as in speech.

Cons of choosing WordPress

Security is at Risk.

WordPress is vulnerable and probably the number 1 targeted platform for hacker/spammers.

 A large number of WordPress sites are run by small business owners who don’t think their sites are of interest to hackers, which make them easy targets. One of the reasons is that, they do this to exploit resources on the site, such as sending spam emails or mining cryptocurrency. Another reason is typically, hackers hack them because they have sensitive data, such as financial information.


Despite the fact that a plugin is one of the pros of using WordPress, it can be also a disadvantage. Generally, they’re great when they work, but annoying when a single wrong step can break your entire site, ruin your SEO, or cause incompatibility with certain browsers. Additionally, they can limit functionality and interfere with one another.


Unlike other drag-and-drop web builders, the editing capabilities of WordPress are quite flexible.

 However, as was previously mentioned in this article, you will need the help of a developer for coding if you want to customize WordPress themes.

Frequent Update.

          Using WordPress to develop a website isn’t enough. Installing several plugins and themes will ensure that it functions properly. As you use more WordPress plugins, you will encounter compatibility issues more frequently.


This might be obvious, but for a better understanding let’s tackle this one by one.

Pros of hiring a web designer/developer


Generally, a website development company has a team of experienced web developers with various skill sets with adequate expertise in more than one area from design, coding, writing, programming and SEO. Several of these professionals will work together to achieve its goal– to give you the deserved website for your business.


Due to its long-term goals, a web development company actually works harder to provide the best services to its clients and build its reputation as well. You will be kept up to date every step of the way.


An online development company is essentially a legal entity. To demonstrate their reliability, they provide contracts and other documentation related to the entire project.


Several employees are working on different aspects of a project all at once. This allows the project to be completed much faster even before its due.

Additionally, companies can assist you with a wide range of design and marketing requirements.

Cons of hiring a web designer/developer

Higher cost.

Obviously, in most cases, or in all cases, I would say, hiring a professional web developer can be pricey. Nevertheless, it means you are hiring a controlled and managed team of professionals who deliver professional results.


Now, you have an understanding of all options you have when getting a website and its costs and advantages/disadvantages. You must know what you want to choose by now, however, it is still hard to come to a conclusion about the options that will help your company be successful in the long run.

No worries, we won’t leave you hanging or overthink this.

Let’s find out!


  • Zero Communication
  • No code installation
  • No revisions
  • Stuff won’t work

Don’t even think about it.

Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

If you are a new business owner and want to start small, just start!

But, please but not that small!

I recommend you to get something decent to start, then you can upgrade later on.

But if have the confidence to start something big. If you are confident enough that it’s going to work for you.

Then do it!

You just gotta have to do it.


  • Well designed and functional
  • Readily accessible contact and location
  • Clear calls to action
  • Easy to Use
  • Optimized for mobile
  • Fresh quality content

And the rest you will see when you get one.

Trust me, it’s worth it.


“In everything in life, you get what you pay for.”

….“So, if you pay $5, then get a Dorito or a candy bar. It will do more for you than a $5 website.”

The point is, by paying less, don’t expect anything good to happen. You could just waste your money and end up having a bad experience.

Getting a website is not just buying sandwiches. I used to overthink which sandwich to get in 7/11 though. The point is, that you must first understand what website can help your business grow.

So, you can either get a cheap website and take the risk, or you can get a more expensive website and relax knowing that you’re getting a great one.

You choose.


So, you’ve made it this far and thinking “Soooo, you’re telling me to get a good website, we discuss the cost and its pros and cons which could help decide, and then what?”

You don’t need to look for another blog for that. Yup, you’re welcome!

But for a quick answer, let me ask you a question:

 Are you willing to get the website your business could ever have and work with the best web developers in Las Vegas?

If yes,

Contact Us!

(833) 886-2681

Strive Enterprise Official Website

And meet The Best Web Developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Check Out Our Portfolio

We Also Offer Digital Marketing for Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios! See you!

Strive Enterprise has been selected among the Top Web Design Companies in Las Vegas by Designrush


Want to Get a Website for Your Business? Here’s How.

by Charleen Montano April 6, 2022

Need a website, but not sure how and where to begin?

This topic might help you on this one.

If reading is not your thing. Click on the link below to watch our video.

You’ll find dozens of videos to help you on your journey to getting a website!

Jose Silvera YouTube Channel

Before taking to the step in, you might wanna read our previous article:

10 Things Your Small Business Website Should Have In 2022

Getting A Website: What You Need To Know


Previous Videos:



How much does a Website cost in (2022)

Table of Contents
<div class="eb-toc-wrapper " data-headers="[{"level":1,"content":"<strong>The Process of Getting a Website.</strong>","text":"The Process of Getting a Website.","link":"the-process-of-getting-a-website"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #1. MEET & GREET</strong>","text":"STEP #1. MEET & GREET","link":"step-1-meet-greet"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #2. CONTRACT & PLANNING.</strong>","text":"STEP #2. CONTRACT & PLANNING.","link":"step-2-contract-planning"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>What is a Contract?</strong>","text":"What is a Contract?","link":"what-is-a-contract"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>The 5 Stages of Contract.</strong>","text":"The 5 Stages of Contract.","link":"the-5-stages-of-contract"},{"level":4,"content":"Contract Creation. ","text":"Contract Creation. ","link":"contract-creation"},{"level":4,"content":"Contract Award Letter.","text":"Contract Award Letter.","link":"contract-award-letter"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #3. THE DESIGN.</strong>","text":"STEP #3. THE DESIGN.","link":"step-3-the-design"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #4. CODE DEVELOPMENT.</strong>","text":"STEP #4. CODE DEVELOPMENT.","link":"step-4-code-development"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #5. TESTING.</strong>","text":"STEP #5. TESTING.","link":"step-5-testing"},{"level":3,"content":"<strong>What are the Different Types of Testing?</strong>","text":"What are the Different Types of Testing?","link":"what-are-the-different-types-of-testing"},{"level":1,"content":"<strong>Tips for your Website to Work with Mobiles.</strong>","text":"Tips for your Website to Work with Mobiles.","link":"tips-for-your-website-to-work-with-mobiles"},{"level":1,"content":"<strong>Why is Testing  Necessary?</strong>","text":"Why is Testing  Necessary?","link":"why-is-testing-necessary"},{"level":2,"content":"<strong>STEP #6. LAUNCHING.

The Process of Getting a Website.

Ok, let’s start with the process before anything else so you know and you don’t screw over. If you read our previous blogs or watch our videos, you learned why these things are essential, and getting the right one for your business is crucial. Today, we will talk about the process or steps of getting your website.

Sometimes, we tend to think about how we will succeed in our business. Back then, things were much easier.

There was less competition….

People were less jaded…

Starting up a business was easier…

So if you’re just starting up a brand new business, I’m not gonna lie, you might be facing a bit of a steep climb.

However, if you know where to start up and get a good grip, you might be a step ahead of your competition.

In this post, I’m going to show you the things you can do to ensure your business will grow, make connections, and be worth all your time and effort.


You might think that the design is the first to this.


“Make a relationship before anything else happens”


Meeting your prospective website designer/developer will give you the opportunity in setting up the stage for a relationship to blossom. Consulting with them makes you feel the gut instinct whether to trust them or not, and this will put you at ease and allow you to sleep well knowing the results will be good.

Therefore, before moving forward with this process, we recommend meeting with your website developer/designer. Know who they are and how they handle it. 

Make the most of your first impression. This can set the tone for a lasting business relationship or a one-off meeting.

Unless you don’t want to have a peaceful mind without worrying about the output.


So, you did all the chatting and getting to know each other with your developer, you build a rapport with them and you feel that you want to work with them.

If so, you can proceed with the contract and planning.

What is a Contract?

There are a number of different types of contracts, each of which creates and defines aspects of trust, obligation, and rights between the parties to the agreement.

There are typically 3 aspects to a contract: the transfer of goods, the transfer of services, or the transfer of money. All 3 of those items can be transferred at future date.

By drafting a contract, both parties can clearly clarify their obligations and define intellectual property, as well as success criteria. The development phase forms the core of contract management and relationship management.

Furthermore, contracts include your requirements for the products, as well as what you want to achieve through the project, i.e. the design of your website, as well as the price your developer gives you. By signing the contract, both parties confirm their understanding and agreement to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract.

So, make sure everything is in the contract to make sure you and your developer are on the same page.

Use the tips we shared with you in our previous post! Getting A Website: What You Need To Know BEFORE YOU GET A WEBSITE… (FOR 2022!)

The 5 Stages of Contract.

Contract Creation. 

Be sure to get the agreement in writing. Even though oral agreements are legal and binding, I would recommend not to use them in website designing projects.

Oral agreement in this area will not work, I promise! It will definitely be going to lead to confusion and disagreement in the future, in any case.

We all can agree and there’s no doubt that a written agreement is less risky than an oral agreement since it clearly outlines each party’s rights and obligations.

Keep your wordings simple. Make sure to create your contract in the most simple sentences possible, numbered paragraph headings, or make the important points in bullets if applicable.

Include all details (even the smallest ones). In the body of the agreement, the rights should and obligations of each party should be spelled out in detail. Be as thorough as possible. You can always add a short amendment if you forgot to include something. As an alternative, if the contract is still not signed, you can handwrite the changes into the contract and have them sign it once the changes are inserted, new details will become part of the contract.

Recognize each party correctly. You wouldn’t believe it if I tell you many businessmen gets this wrong and then learn how important it really is. Having the correct names of the parties in the contract will permit you to clearly identify who has the responsibility to perform the agreed-upon obligations and who has the legal rights in case something goes wrong.

Be specific in terms of payment obligations. As we all know, money is always the issue, so make sure that this part should be very detailed.

Indicate who pays whom, when the payment should be made and the conditions under which it should be made. Consider including the means of payment as well, make sure both parties agreed and are comfortable with the method chosen.

In case you intend to pay in installments or only after the work is finished to your satisfaction, state so and list the dates, times, and requirements.

Decide under what conditions the contract will be terminated. Just in case one party misses several important points included in the contract, the other should have the right to end the contract without being held legally liable for breach (violation) of the agreement. So, it is also crucial to include this part of the contract and thoroughly discuss it with your developer.

Keep it confidential. It is common for confidential business information to become available to another business when one hires them for a service. Each party in your agreement should promise that any business information they learn in the course of performing the contract will be kept strictly confidential.

By creating a contract, make sure to include all your specifications and goals. Forget about the cost, you will discuss it later with your developer.

Remember to focus on what you want to achieve in creating your contract.

The Negotiation of Contract.

The process of contract negotiation occurs when two or more parties negotiate the terms of a contract in order to arrive at a legally binding agreement.

It takes more than an agreement to reach a successful conclusion in contract negotiations. Negotiation of contracts provides the chance to add to the economic value of the relationship, protect your organization from risk, and shore up supply chain vulnerabilities.

Contract Award Letter.

After creating the contract and discussing with your developer the terms and a condition on both sides, you come to the next step of the contract, making of the awarding letter. The letter should contain the details of your agreement, you are at this point in the process of agreeing to the terms of both parties, which basically means that the contract is ready for each of you to sign and seal.

Contract Execution.

The contract execution event occurs when all relevant parties sign the contract and it becomes a legally binding document. After the contract is signed, an internal user can record the signing, attach a scanned signed copy of the contract, and record the execution.

Contract renewal/closure.

A contract that has run its course and is due for renewal can be terminated (closed out), renewed with the exact same terms, or can be updated with the knowledge of both parties.

Managing every stage of the contract properly is crucial to success. You must always keep in mind that the final outcome of the project depends on it. So, get your pen and paper and starts imagining what are your expectations for your website and what is your ideal outcome. 

Point it all out and make sure you and your web developer are on the same page!


We learned about how getting an appropriate design for your business is crucial from the previous blogs. So, of all people, you should be the one who knows how to decide how should be the design of your website. 

“Everything is important but the design will set you apart from the rest.”

After considering those points I made, you can also consult it with your developer so he can give you an idea or advice as an expert and don’t forget to have an agreement about the price. Make sure your design would not be compromised.

Have a good deal and work it out!


The coding is obviously what the website is. The images, the structures, and everything on your website are made alive by lines of codes. 

Development of web pages consists of coding or programming, which allows websites to function based on the requirements of clients and deal with other non-design tasks.

Everything you had in mind as well as the design, and coding will make it happen.

Coding is crucial for website making!

This is why you should get someone who can make real good code. Get someone who knows what they’re doing. 

Imagine getting a website and it’s not 100% working or worst case not working at all, just keep on crushing.

Bro! You will be throwing away your money!

Don’t let this happen. 

Don’t do this to yourself.

Go get a real guy who can slap those codes.


So, you got the guy?

Given that they know everything and knows what they’re doing and are expert in developing a website. Even if you completely trust them, I recommend you test it before anything else. Test it by completely engaging in the website like a visitor, explore everything that is in there and make sure it is according to what you want it to be.

And of course to fully rest assured, test your website for possible bugs before sending it live and making it available to the general public by performing all the types of web testing and fullyunderstandingfor d each. If you don’t know much about techie things you can asfromlp with someone you know who knows how to perform the web test or do it together with your developer. 

During web testing, components of the website are examined for functionality, usability, security, compatibility, and performance.

What are the Different Types of Testing?

Usability Testing.  Testing for usability involves identifying weaknesses in a system’s user-computer interactions, it is to check how a website should be used and whether it is user friendly. Here are the 5 goals that should be covered in your usability testing:

1) . Effective– this basically, is to measure how well a website does and whether it does what it intends to do as per your requirements.

2). Efficient– measures how fast users can complete tasks after becoming familiar with a user interface.

3). Engaging– measure how well the website is designed to interact with the user. Whether it is providing with their expectations and needs.

4). Error–  it occurred while designing the user interface so it is also important to check this out.

6). Easy to learn– as the word itself, check whether it is useful to different groups of ages or does it provides instructions to the users.

Performance Testing. Tests should be performed at various connection speeds to determine its performance. The website should be able to handle heavy traffic.

With that being said, you should test its web load and stress.

Load– you need to test if the web page can sustain a heavy number of users at the same time. Users should be able to submit large amounts of data, make simultaneous connections to the database, and load specific pages with a lot of traffic at once.

Stress– Stress is generally defined as pushing the system beyond its specified limits. During web stress testing, the site is broken by giving it stress and it is observed how the system responds to stress and how it recovers from crashes. Stress is usually applied to input fields, login pages, and registration pages.

Functional Testing. This type of testing seeks to establish whether your website’s feature works according to your requirements which were discussed during website designing with your developer. 

In functional testing, every aspect of the software is examined to make sure it’s working correctly.

Compatibility Testing. It is a non-functional software testing. For the test of compatibility, make sure your website has the ability to fully function in different browsers that are available in the market, especially the most used ones such as chrome, Microsoft edge, and firefox.

Interface Testing. Interface testing checks how 2 different software systems communicate with each other. Two systems are connected by an interface, an example of an interface includes APIs and web services. 

Tests are usually carried out to verify that the visual elements are functioning properly regardless of their functionality or performance.

Security Testing. The purpose of this is to check the vulnerabilities of your website. Determine whether your confidential data stays confidential or not. Testing the security of your website is essential to protecting you and your company.

Tips for your Website to Work with Mobiles.

Now that you have it, take it along with you.

If you’ve come this far, you might want to ask “Why is it important to test the website if I’m going to get the best website developer?”

And I’m like “Well, you should!” And I forgive you for asking that.

Why is Testing  Necessary?

To ensure the quality of a given web application, web testing is used to verify that the functionality is working as intended or according to the requirements. Web testing gives you the flexibility to find bugs before a release or on an ongoing basis.

Optimized design and backlinking make it easier for your website to rise in the search engine rankings and be found by visitors. Making your website attractive and easy to use is critical if you hope to increase your business’ visibility and generate leads and sales.

I mean, you don’t want to waste your energy going back and forth with this web developing thing, right?

For a smoother process, follow all the tips we provided in our previous blog and get the website that is worth all of these.

“Don’t skip all these testing, or you will regret it forever!”


Following the design and construction of a website, the next step is to launch the site and announce it to the world.

How do you announce a new website?

Well, make the most out of technology! 

Alright, you made it! 

Well, you’re pretty much done at this point.

Now is the time to put into practice everything I’ve discussed thus far. You can check out all the articles here:

10 Things Your Smal Business Website Should Have In 2021

Getting A Website: What You Need To Know



Before you get a website

How much does a Website cost in (2022)

If you’ve made it all the way to the end of this article, you should have a good idea of what to think about when building your company’s website. Additionally, you’re free to get started at any time.

Follow the instructions and suggestions provided in each step. And get to work on a website that will be up and running in no time.

Contact Us!

(833) 886-2681

Strive Enterprise Official Website

And meet The Best Web Developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Check Out Our Portfolio

We Also Offer Digital Marketing for Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios! See you!


3 Ways Web Designer/Developers Charge You

by Charleen Montano April 8, 2022

As a general rule, you should expect a web designer to charge based on their proficiency. On top of that, you’ll have to pay for the monthly maintenance. However, this depends on the nature of the website. And have in mind that custom websites will cost more.

But before we dig into this, if you are a small business owner I want to remind you that you don’t need to have a fancy website to start. A decent website will do for a fresh start and then you can upgrade later.

However, if you are willing to take the chance and if you are ready to take the risk then do it.

“If you’re going to achieve your dream, go higher.”

I love this quote, it inspires me to look forward to something in life without even knowing what that is….


Here we go.

Is video more your thing? See the video version of the same topic, right here:

See dozens more videos on our YouTube channel.

Jose Silvera – YouTube

What Affects Website Design Prices?

When it comes to creating and maintaining websites, web design encompasses many different skills and techniques. As a result of these overlapping roles, web design encompasses a wide range of skill sets from graphic design to authoring to Search Engine Optimization.

Setting up a price is a pain for web designers. I mean, as much as their effort and talent go, it is fair enough to price themselves however, considering the high level of competition in the market, as well as to pay rent and eat, setting a decent profit while aiming to get a client is also part of the equation.

Nevertheless, if you are a client, you may want to take a look and see what you are paying for.

Size. The page size is equal to the sum of the page sizes of each of these files. For instance, a 420 KB web page will consist of a 110 KB HTML document, a 223 KB image, and an 87 KB sheet file, all of which take up space.

When it comes to your website’s search engine rankings, page size does play a role. Both your websites’ ranking and its performance will be impacted.

To put it simply, your website would cost more since the web designer needs to do more to your website to accomplish this.

Design. The type of business and the necessity of the entrepreneurs influence the choice of website design. Each of these websites will be built on a different platform. Web design is the process of designing websites that appear on the internet. In website development, user experience is usually a consideration rather than software development.

Customization. Allows you to choose what you want your users to see or how you want the information on your website to be displayed. In general, the harder it is to apply, the higher the cost.

SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a term used to describe the process of improving your website so that it appears higher in search engine results when people search for products or services that are relevant to your business.

A website must build its SEO because it raises your website’s visibility, resulting in increased traffic and, ultimately, more sales.

Content. Text, images, and audio are all examples of web content that can be found online and used by users as part of their experience on a website. In addition to text and images, multimedia content, such as online videos and audio files, can be included on web pages.

Mobile website. To access a traditional website, one must have a computer, which includes a mouse and a large monitor. Smartphones and tablets with smaller screens and touchscreens are used to access mobile websites.

You will increase the number of users by giving them the option to search your website both on computers and mobile devices. This will also make your website more accessible at any time.

Email Newsletter. In simplest terms, an email newsletter is a message sent to a list of people who have signed up to receive it. Included in this list should be the customer’s agreement to receive marketing communications from your brand via digital mediums. Both current and potential customers are included here.

Training. Launching your website will require your employees to learn how to use it, so training will increase the cost of website design.

Apart from what was mentioned above, prices also vary by adding Social Media, Usability, Content Management System, and Additional Revisions to your website.

The 3 Ways Web Developer Charge You.

Ok, so now let’s go into the ways your developer charges you.

 The profession of a web designer/developer is one that requires a hands-on approach – there is a lot to study to become an expert.

 Study and coding are the only things that the finest web designers and developers do.

 Yay nerds!

 So, how would they really charge you by executing your desired website for your business?

 Before you begin your project, always remember that you can pay for their services in several ways, so make sure to include this in your contract before stepping any steps forward. Check this out: Want to Get a Website for Your Business? Here’s How. In this blog, we tackle the contract and planning in getting a website. 

 And to answer the question, here you go,


Generally, you will be required to pay half of your agreed price before anything is completed. This is usually done upon signing the contract.

And then you proceed with going through the process of making the website then boom! Your website’s done and then you pay the rest of the amount. 

Case closed.

Nah! Make sure to do all the testing and then you’re good to go.

This type of payment method is commonly used, and it covers both parties. The first payment is the first step to ensure your developer that he will be compensated, and that will serve as a kick-start for them. The rest of the payment is for you to ensure that they will complete the project according to your specifications. And worst of all, they won’t disappear during that time.

But, hey! Again, should you be reading the previous article to avoid that?

And because I care about you so much, here you go: Want to Get a Website for Your Business? Here’s How.


 As mentioned above, the most common method used is First Half Before Start and Second Half Before the Launching, however, in my opinion, by using a Start-Up fee you can get the most out of it.

I mean, typically in this method, you will be paying less than the original price for the service, and then you’ll be paying a monthly fee which usually includes maintenance. Maintenance covers updates, little SEO, little content changes, and so on depending on the agreement. Some companies though, provides promo images, content creation, etc.

Maintenance! In this way, you will be able to make sure that your website will be okay for the rest of your life for as long as you want it to.

Right? I mean, just my opinion.

In addition, the start-up fee for a website usually costs $300 or so then monthly fees will also depend on your developer or your agreement.

Right? What do you think?

Always remember that the start-up fee method will be a good choice only if you’re going to use it and take advantage of it. Make sure to utilize the service and make your monthly payment worthwhile.

Come on, it’s a pretty cool deal!


Payment in this manner is not very common because this often leads to conflicts between the client and web developer.

 Typically, in this method, you will be paying around 30% of the total payment of the service before anything else or before implementing the project. Then, another payment for the other 30% should be done midway, and lastly, 40% shall be done before the website launching.

 Now, usually, conflicts begin in the last part in which most of the clients stop paying after the second payment. The common reason is, busy and will pay after the launch which leads to never. This is sometimes an issue and it happens pretty much often so better yet pay before launch.

 As a matter of fact, some companies take down sites because of the same reason.

 Well, fair enough.

 After all, it’s all in the contract.

 In this case, web design companies or freelancers especially, don’t prefer having this payment method for smooth operations and relationship success.

 Also on the client’s side, testing is very important before the remaining payment is made. Prior to paying the exact amount, make sure everything meets your expectations and requirements.

Monthly Maintenance and Why Do You Need It?

Checking your website for errors and problems on regular basis and keeping it up to date and relevant is known as website maintenance. If you want to keep your website in good health, keep traffic flowing in, and improve your search engine rankings, you need to do this on an ongoing basis.

Regardless of how big or small your company is, you’ll need website maintenance.

So, what is it exactly?

What are the main advantages of maintaining a website?

Continue reading to learn more about this subject.

For the sake of this article, let’s put it this way: think of your website as your physical store that needs to be maintained in terms of paints, updated style, and should be clean all the time to ensure that you are following the trend and that your store is always presentable to your market.

In order to keep this store attractive and appealing to all ages, you must maintain it well.

The same is true for your website’s design. You’ve paid for it, and you’ve spent a lot of time and effort getting the word out about your company. When it comes to creating a website, however, it’s not a one-time endeavor that you can leave to run on its own. For the time being, that’s not how things work in the digital world.


How often do you inspect your physical store for leaks and other damages? Well same goes with your website. Checking your website’s performance is known as website maintenance. Keep up security updates, promote traffic growth, and make sure Google is pleased. Website maintenance services are, in fact, a vital part of attracting and retaining customers.

Now, in order to maintain your website, you need to perform regular checks.

Nope! We’re not talking about once-a-year or twice-a-year checks.

But, we are talking about “regular check-ups.” Yes, you hear me. Regular! like monthly monitoring, my friend.

This is to keep your business running smoothly equals your customers happy and enjoy their experience whenever they’re on it.


Don’t know how many times I said this in my blogs but, your website creates the first impression of your business. This serves as the front desk if you’re a hotel. Or a 24/7 store that waits for your customer anytime they want to visit you. Or a bridge to your potential customers.

 Now, let’s dig in deeper…

In Customer’s Perception.

Imagine you are a customer that tumbles upon a website or you really search for the website because you heard about it and that you are looking for something and thought the business could help you on it somehow. Then, while scrolling through it, it keeps on crashing, links not working, slow load times, and spam messages pop up to your face every 5 seconds. You will probably, no, surely you’ll get annoyed. Unless you’re having the best day of your life?

Now, imagine that you land on a well-maintained website with professional design and trends. You find relevant content on the blog and smoothly move through the website. How do you feel now? Better, huh?

For over years, Garner for Marketing Leaders clients has seen an increase in the percentage of companies who believe they will compete based on customer service experience by 2016, from 36% to 90%.

Steve Cannon, CEO of Mercedes Benz USA, may have said it best. According to him, “customer experience is the new marketing” in Loyalty360. This is exactly what every business owner needs to hear.

With that being said, you’ll not only delight your clients, but you’ll also generate more revenue. Having a positive online impression will encourage customers to buy from you.

And the best-case scenario, they will likely spread the word about your website and recommend your business to others. 

And this is another way of marketing, for free!

In Business/Website Owner’s Perception.

Customers are searching for a company they can rely on. Poorly maintained websites, on the other hand, are a  turnoff for potential customers. They’ll think you are out of touch, outdated, and unreliable. As a result, they will likely avoid doing business with you.

Another thing is the long-term neglect of your website’s health can lead to a buildup of problems.  When a site is not properly maintained, it can cause downtime or even lead to a loss of revenue. It will cost you tens of thousands of dollars to fix multiple problems, so might as well, maintain it the way I said it above.

There are many benefits to investing in web maintenance services and keeping your website up-to-date and error-free at all times.

You’ll reap the benefits for your business and your wallet.

Choosing a Payment Method.

Anyways are possible depending on your agreement with your developer. This may include cash, a gift card, credit cards, prepaid cards, debit cards, or mobile payments.

But what I want to tell you is, what is the safer way to do your payment in which most web developer as well, prefers this method.

Disclaimer alert! This article is not sponsored by PayPal. But hey PayPal, maybe we can talk about this?


1). PayPal– is a known and widely used method of online payment. More than 254 million people used Paypal as their way of purchasing as well as paying bills, etc. Customers who use PayPal to make a purchase convert at a rate of 82% higher than those who use other payment means.

Another reason PayPal is a popular way to pay for a service is that it is secure for both parties. PayPal makes it hard to disappear with the money or mess someone because you can always call PayPal right away in case something bad happens and they will assist you. PayPal’s customer service response is amazing.

 Additionally, creating an account with PayPal is very easy. Just present a valid ID to be verified to get the most out of the service.

 2). Amazon Pay– this is a payment method you already have associated with your Amazon account. By using Amazon Pay, you can be assured that the fraud protection technology used by Amazon.com is keeping you safe. In this online payment service, you can give your fraud models more time to analyze transactions by processing authorizations asynchronously.

3). Google Pay– To facilitate online payments, you can also use Google Pay for your web designer via your smartphones. You can use Google Pay to store e-money and credit card information. 

4). Apple Pay– If you are an iPhone user, you don’t need to do anything more than open the Wallet app on your iPhone and enter your credit or debit card information and you’re good to go.

5). Masterpass– As with American Express and Visa, Mastercard offers a contactless payment option called Masterpass. Anyone with a Mastercard can now check out your website with ease. Tokenization, issuer authentication, and fraud monitoring are just some of the advanced security features you’d expect from a credit card company.

So, now that you got the whole idea in the big picture of getting your website for your business. The steps and processes you learn through this and the other blogs and videos will help you find your website in a better way and result. I bet you’ll have some fun in the process.

Looking for a starting point? 

Contact Us!

(833) 886-2681

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And meet The Best Web Developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Check Out Our Portfolio

We Also Offer Digital Marketing for Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios! See you!!



by Charleen Montano April 12, 2022

Have you ever wondered where to find a good developer that can really help you achieve the ideal website? How do web designers ensure that websites meet their objectives? Or is that even necessary to find one or you can just DIY?

The thing is, it is a lot easier to find a bad web developer than to find a good one. So, beware!

Code written by good developers is often clean and well-structured. As a result, their code is frequently well-documented and can be debugged by other members of the team. An important quality of a good developer is that they are self-aware and aware of the technologies they do not yet master.

Having discussed all the options on how and where to start getting your website, the next step should be learning how and where to find competent developers to help with the project.


Of course, we all know why. Come on!

It is the work of web developers to create websites and mobile applications that help businesses increase their online sales while making life easier for consumers. Software and computer code are used by web developers to create web applications that can be accessed via the internet or corporate intranets, respectively.

Well, just in case, it is crucial to hire a web developer who can help you design your ideal website as well as give you an idea on how to execute the project.
If you hire a developer who doesn’t know what they’re doing, you’ll just end up with a robot that functions only when you press a button.

I bet you don’t want that! Do you?

Is video more your thing? See the video version of the same topic, right here:

See dozens more videos on our YouTube channel.

Jose Silvera – YouTube

When To Find A Good Developer?

Before we proceed I recommend you read our previous articles in order to gain more understanding of what I am about to discuss.

So, you are planning to get a website, huh? And now, you are looking for reasons whether it is good to create it on your own or hire a developer instead? Or let’s say you want to hire one.

Well, these will give you a clearer picture of what you are looking for:

  • A good web developer maintains a high standard of quality and consistency in your website development by adhering to the best practices for web development, including responsive and mobile site design.
  • Workflows should be established and maintained by good web developers to provide visibility and ensure that the workload is evenly distributed for consistent visual designs.
  • They keep abreast of the latest developments in technology and business trends.
  • And lastly, they implement data from back-end databases and services into websites and user interfaces by following standard HTML/CSS practices.

What to Look For in a Web Developer?

Most of the time, there are 4 main routes to find the good developers that can really help you build your website.

Look for Reviews.

The number one to look for when finding your developer is the reviews of their work. Not necessary though, but if you could and if that is available, go check that out!

For me, there are only two reasons why customers leave a review for a product or service. One is when they are happy and satisfied with the service and two, when furious and having a bad experience. And those in between, won’t bother.

However, bear in mind that not all developer deserves all the bad reviews, sometimes conflict and misunderstanding happens. So, be neutral and don’t be quick to judge. I would suggest you go through the best and the worst reviews and see if all the issues are repeating and have been addressed.


The portfolio of a company is a compilation of its products, services, and accomplishments. Its purpose is to establish a presence on the market, attract new customers, and demonstrate how the company differs from its direct competitors.

Good developers demonstrate their skills through their portfolios. It serves as the visual representation of their works, relevant skills, and abilities rather than tell.

Ask Someone.

Ever heard of “word-of-mouth”? We all know it’s powerful in terms of businesses. There is no better marketing tool than a word of mouth, it is free and more reliable than any marketing tool. I mean, you wouldn’t refer a company to your friends or family when you’re not sure of the product or services, will you?

That’s right! Look for someone who has experience with using the service. They can give you the face-to-face reviews about it and give you the overall experience they have during the project. You can ask around you or make the best out of technology, go online!

Know Your Web Developer.

The best you can do is get to know your developer if possible meet them. Create a rapport with them and determine if you can count on them as a partner in the development of your website. But, if they are physically out of your reach, skype them up! Or choose any way that you can reach and talk to them. That is very important.

Types of Web Developer.

Websites and webpages can be as simple as a one-page text document or as complex as an e-commerce site with thousands of products for sale. Simple websites can be created by a single person, but more complex ones may necessitate the efforts of a group of people with a variety of backgrounds and expertise. 

Before we dig into the types of web developers/designers, let’s tackle the specific jobs that they do when developing your website, this will help you gain more important knowledge in getting the right people for you.

Web Designer.

The primary responsibility of a web designer is to create the visual appearance of a website. There are many aspects of design that they handle, including color schemes and fonts as well as the layout of the page. Depending on the designer’s comfort level with programming code, they may use image editing software like Adobe Photoshop to create what is essentially a drawing for the programmer to convert into code. Alternatively, the designer may use software to create the code for the pages.

Content Developer.

Web content refers to the information that appears at the top of a webpage. In most cases, it is written, but it can also be video or audio. Content developers include writers, editors, and videographers. In some cases, they may be both a writer and a videographer at the same time. A small website’s content management system (CMS) can be created by the same person who handles most of the other website development tasks, but large projects often have multiple people working on them because of the specialized knowledge required.

Web Programmer.

A web programmer may be responsible for translating the design into the actual code that controls a simple webpage. Database, shopping, carts, and other online applications may be programmed by her as well as the more straightforward elements of a website. An experienced programmer is needed for e-commerce sites with a large number of products to be sold, while a designer with some programming knowledge can handle simple pages of text.

Flash Developer.

Developers can use Adobe Flash to build interactive, animated, and sound-enhanced web pages that are both visually appealing and functionally engaging. When a user visits a website for the first time, or when they hover their cursor over or click on an element on the page, these animations may play. Flash can be used in a variety of ways, from an introductory page to a site navigation menu.

Heading to the types of web developers that you might be interested in hiring.


Freelancing began as a way for people with specialized skills to work independently of a single employer. When it comes to freelance work, it’s generally considered to be the domain of an expert.
In light of this, let’s examine the pros and cons of hiring a freelancer in various aspects.

 Cost: Pros & Cons.

In most cases, freelancers are easier to find and more cost-effective to work with.

The lower the freelancer’s fee, the lower the quality or the level of expertise.

Making sure every resource is aligned is a challenge in this situation. In addition, you must have to supervise these developers.

The flexibility of Team Structure: Pros & Cons.
The ability to easily adapt to changes in the team’s size. It may take longer or shorter depending on the obstacles that are encountered during the development process. It is common for freelancers to work on a fixed-price or hourly basis. As a result, your project plan must be flawless if you want to get the most out of your freelancers.
Freelancers cannot keep track of the time they spend on fixed-price projects. On top of all of this, freelancers aren’t used to keeping track of their hours worked. A freelancer may find a daily/hourly timesheet restrictive. Freelancers are used to working on projects that last only a few weeks or even days. For the time being, most small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) require developers only temporarily. In addition, they expect bug-fixing services to be available on-demand.
Quality of Software: Pros & Cons.

Since the next gig for most freelancers is entirely dependent on the reviews or feedback they receive from a client, they are expected to go above and beyond to meet the needs of their customers.

Because the freelancing movement was not tied to a specific industry, industry norms did not apply to it. As a freelancer, developing an SW to ISO standards can be a time-consuming task. Thus, quality is confined to the perspective of the developers and testers. To assess the quality of the work, you’ll require the services of a Quality Analyst.

Quality of Developers: Pros & Cons.

Because they are regarded as experts in their fields, freelancers can work on their initiative without supervision.

Even if freelancers have the necessary qualifications and certifications, they may lack expertise in other areas.


A website design agency provides a team that can conceptualize and then creates an online presence that reflects your brand’s vision and values. At a web design agency, your logos, color schemes, branding, and any content you produce will likely be handled by a professional graphic designer (or a team of designers). Web designs agency provides a team of experts (as mentioned above)  who know how to make a website works.
Web design is a creative field, but it also necessitates a solid understanding of coding and backend architecture. There is a lot more to website design than simply putting up a page and pressing a button. Hire a website designer who has the expertise to take your site to the next level.

Reasons why hiring a website design agency is a better idea:

1). The Site Will be of a Higher Quality– A professional web designer will produce a better product. Every time a good website designer creates a new one, they follow a specific process.
This usually includes:

  • Collaborating on the fine-tuning of design concepts and layouts; color palettes; logos; and other aspects of branding.
  • Performing an investigation (sites functions, including navigation, e-commerce, display, mobile optimization, and so on) are thoroughly tested by the designer.
  • Go through the process of learning about the company and determining its requirements and desired outcomes for the website (this includes SEO research)
  • Updates any issues that were discovered and addressed. 
  • Launch
  • Reporting
Note: Final Steps involves the website developer looking at the key metrics, such as page speed, to determine how well your site performs. They will work with you to resolve any issues that may arise.

2). It’s Easier to Scale a Professionally Designed Website– In the future, depending on the nature of your business, you may find yourself needing to expand both your online and offline presence. Professionally constructed sites are much easier to scale than those that are self-constructed.

3). Hiring a Web Design Firm Ensures that your Website will Function Properly– Your website needs to look good, but also needs to work well. It’s best to hire a web design company to ensure this outcome. They’ll make sure everything’s running smoothly.

However, please note that there’s a good chance you’ll run into problems with functionality just in case you are planning to build your site. This undermines consumer confidence and can be a roadblock to sales and interactions with customers.

4). Website Designer Make Sure Your Site is Compliant With All Legal Requirements– There are numerous laws governing privacy, personal information, and even disabilities when creating a website. The thing is, are you well familiar with all of those? If the answer is no, then go ahead and hire a web designer, they are experts in that matter and can take that out of your head and shoulder.
GDPR, anti-spam laws in the US, privacy laws in Canada, and the Americans with Disabilities Act will all be met by their efforts.

5). The Time You Save by Working with a Web Designer is Immeasurable– On top of all that is being mentioned, one of the biggest advantages when it comes to hiring a web design agency is the time you will be saving.
An experienced web designer can create the bare-bones site you’re looking for in a matter of days or weeks. As a general rule, it’s best to set aside a few weeks or months for additional functionality and pages.


So, basically, in the full-service agency, they’ve got everything! From marketing, PPC campaigns, social media, graphic design, SEO, apps, and more.
Like, seriously, you don’t have to worry a bit.
Learn more about the Pros and Cons of each of the ways to build a website here.
You might want to have an Idea about how much it cost, you can also check that out here.

Where to Find a Good Web Developer?

Now, let’s talk about where to find these Web Developers that I have been disputing with you earlier.

As both of us know that all it takes to get one is first, to build trust. Not just you towards your web developer but the other way around as well. To be in that line, here are the points you might want to consider:

Ask Your People/Referrals.

If someone in your network refers a new customer to your business, it’s a referral. As a result of intentional referral marketing, this may occur naturally during the conversation.
You might want to find people you know or trust who has experience in getting a web designer/developer for their business. Ask them where or how to get in touch with them, and see if they could help you out. You could even ask for a discount under your friend’s referral!


Google can be the best place to start looking for a local web design company. And don’t forget to follow our “What to Look For in a Web Developer?” points to guarantee a successful search.
Or if magazines are more your thing, you might find magazines from your local department stall.


If you are not feeling the web developer companies locally, then you might want to look for in another time zone, well not necessarily in another time zone though, but in case you think the web developers that can help you achieve the website that you have in your mind is another country, then go for it. 

Follow your guts, they say. 

Go where your heart wants to go, they say.

Like, come on, it’s 2022! You can reach out to whoever you want in this world and make them work for you!

Or you might want to meet our guys? They are The Best Web Developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Contact Us!

(833) 886-2681

Strive Enterprise Official Website

And meet The Best Web Developers & Online Marketers in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Check Out Our Portfolio

We Also Offer Digital Marketing for Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios! See you!

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