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7 Ways To Get Your Business Noticed Right Out of the Gate

by Charleen Montano May 5, 2022

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So you have opened your own business, congratulations!

You want to get known, eh?

You’ve got a great product, an innovative service, and a unique idea. You know people will love it. But how do you make sure they know about it?

There are lots of ways to get the word out about your startup: social media, PR, advertising, word of mouth, and more. But some strategies are better than others– and some strategies should be avoided at all costs.

In a world where so much information and so many businesses, being unknown is a quick way to get left behind.

The good news is you don’t have to be a celebrity or a household name to get known as an expert in your industry. In fact, most of the time, it’s the people who are the most successful at getting their companies known and who aren’t well-known outside of their industry.

Why? Because they know what they’re doing. They’ve figured out how to build a brand that people trust and want to work with. So if you’re trying to make your business into something bigger than just yourself and your reputation, here are seven ways to get yourself known.

And oh! We’ve got a video version of the same topic– Jose Silvera, the CEO of Strive Enterprise, makes videos that could help you grow your business– live weekdays at 9 AM and 3 PM PST on YouTube and Instagram!


To be known as a business owner, you need to do your research and find out what your target audience wants.

Reconnecting with everyone you know, whether you think they will buy from you or not, is one of the ways to get your business known.

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This is called networking, and it’s a compelling way to build your business. The more people who know about you and what you do, the better for business.

There are many people you know who you don’t think will buy from you. And there are some people that you think might buy from you but haven’t yet. The key to getting your business known is to reconnect with everyone, whether they’re going to buy from you or not.

Here’s why:

You Never know what the future holds. If someone was interested in buying from you and didn’t have the money, they may have it now and be ready to buy. Or maybe an opportunity presented itself that made it possible for them to make a purchase now instead of later.

Sometimes, people just need reassurance that what they’re doing is right or wrong. They need validation from someone they trust before taking action on something important, like making a purchase or hiring someone for a project.

And, that’s where you come in!


You’ve connected with your friends and everyone you know. You’ve asked them how they’re doing and told them how you are doing. You’re all doing great. Great!

Or maybe you’ve told them you’re back in town and want to spend some time with your family and might as well spend time with them before going back to your busy schedule. They have a busy schedule, too, and you met up and had a great time together. Great!

Now it’s the time to start talking about your business.

Tell people about what you do if they ask. If someone asks what you do, take advantage of the opportunity by telling them about your business (even if it isn’t related). Not only will this give them valuable information but also shows that you’re proud of what you do, which builds trust in others. 

To promote your business, it’s important to talk about it whenever you can. After all, if you don’t talk about it, who will?

The more people who know about your business, the more likely it is that someone will hire you or refer someone else who needs a similar product or service.


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You may be the best business person in the world, but if you don’t know your target customers, you won’t be able to sell anything.

 If you want to start a business, you need to know your potential customers. You can’t just create a product or service and expect everyone will enjoy it.

It’s important to take time to know deeper about your potential customer’s problems, and knowing the best possible solution to help them is one of the steps to getting your business known.

The more you know about your target audience, the better chances you have to make them happy with your services or products so that they become regular customers and eventually refer others. 

After all, people don’t buy products. They buy solutions to their problem.

The first thing you need to understand is what your customers want. Ask yourself: Why do people buy my products? What problem does it solve for them? If you’re going to sell more, you need to know what your customers want and how your product can help them.

People don’t care about you; they care about themselves and how your product will benefit them. This means that if you want people to be interested in what you have to offer, then you need to show them how it will benefit them.


What you want to do next is make a list of all the problems that these people are having and how they will be solved using your products.

This is called a “need analysis.” A needs analysis is the process of finding out what problems your customers are having and then finding out if you can solve those problems.

The best way to do this is by asking directly. You might ask them to fill out a survey or questionnaire, or maybe even literally make a list of the problems they are facing. The key here is that you want to find out why they’re having these problems.

Why? Because this is where your product or service can come in. If you know what problems people face and how your product solves those problems, you can offer them the solution at just the right time!


You have to keep in mind that people are becoming more and more conscious about buying products and services. The reason behind this change is the fact that people now have access to a large number of information sources on the internet. They can easily find out everything about any product or service before buying it.

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When you post content about your business through social media, it becomes easier for people to find out about your brand and products. This increases trust in your company and makes them more likely to buy from you rather than from other companies offering similar services at lower prices.

You may have heard of the saying,

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

This is incredibly true when it comes to getting your business known in the industry. In fact, this is one of the best steps in building trust with your customers and establishing yourself as a leader in your field.

Creating content to help your customers solve their problems is the best way to create awareness and get your customers to know about you. However, it is important to understand your target audience and what they want from you.

When you have this information, then you can start creating content for them. You can write articles or blogs about the solutions for their problems and then post these on social media sites as mentioned above. 

The more solutions you offer for a particular problem, the more likely it is that someone will find one that their needs perfectly!


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Once you have reconnected with everyone, keep in touch with them! Send them emails and text messages when something new is going on, such as an upcoming event or a special offer. If someone mentions something about your business, reply with a thank-you note and let them know how much it means to you that they think of you.

With that said, you also need to have a strong social media presence, and you can’t just rely on Facebook alone. It would help if you connected with people on Twitter and Instagram, too, or any other social media that could possibly help you with the matter.

Make sure that you’re sharing content regularly on all of these platforms. It doesn’t matter if it’s promotional or not; as long as it’s good quality content, they will share it with their friends and family members, who will then share it with their friends and family members.

You need to make sure that you are engaging with your audience consistently so that they feel like they know about your brand and its products or services because if they don’t know about what you have to offer, how will they buy from you?


In this age of rapid technological development, the customer is king. People want what they want, and they want it when they want it.

If you’re not able to deliver on time, your business will be in trouble. And if your product or service isn’t good enough, you’ll be out of business even sooner.

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Think like your customer. When you create something, you should think like your customer. You have to understand what they want and what they need. Once you get this, it will be easier for you to come up with something that will satisfy them completely.

The following are some techniques that can help you produce a good product or service and deliver it on time:

Do not just focus on the product alone but also on the customer’s experience when using it. If a person buys a car, he wants to enjoy driving it too – not just own it! Therefore, if you are selling any products or services, make sure that they are not only useful but also enjoyable as well so that people keep coming back for more even after buying them once already!

Make sure everything is done properly from start to finish so that there are no mistakes or errors, which may lead to problems later on down the road when someone tries using your product or service for the first time after buying it from you! It is always better to do things correctly the first time around rather than having to do them over again because of something that was done incorrectly in the first place!

General Overview

There are many reasons why people want to start their own business. For some, it is a way to escape from the rigidity of working for someone else. Others want independence and control over their lives. Still, others hope that they can make more money than they can as an employee.

But often, when people first begin their business, they have no idea what it takes to succeed. They don’t know how hard it will be or how much time and energy it will consume. They also don’t know how much money they will need to get started or how long it might take them before they start making any money at all.

As you begin your journey into entrepreneurship, you need to understand what you’re getting into. You need to know exactly what kind of business you want to run and how much time and money it will require before you can expect any return on your investment (ROI).

The most important thing is to choose a business that you enjoy doing — one that will allow you to fulfill your passion in life while earning a living at the same time. Even if this means earning less than your current job pays or spending more hours in the office than normal, at least you’ll be happy doing what you love!

Got any questions? Let me know, comment down below or DM us!

Adios! See you!


When To Pay To Promote Your Business

by Charleen Montano May 16, 2022

So you’ve got a great business, and you’re sitting on the precipice of growing it. You’ve decided to take it to the next level…. by spending money on promoting it!

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Woo hoo! Not quite yet.

There are many options out there for growing your business, but if you don’t have money to spend or time building (which takes time), what do you do?

The answer is simple: supplement it with some ad spent!

In the small business community, we often hear different views on the topic of whether or not to invest in paid advertising. Some believe Facebook and Twitter are free options, while others argue that they are platforms that can generate a return on your investment.

The truth is that most platforms require you to spend a portion of your budget in order to see substantial results. This doesn’t mean that paid advertising is the only viable option. It simply means that the decision should not be made solely on a given platform’s affordability (or lack thereof).

The factors that should play into your decision include targeting, reach, demographics, frequency cap, and even bid difficulty. While there is no universal bible for how much is too much when it comes to paying for reach, I’ll provide some insight into why spending money can help you get more money in the long run.

Or, if a video is more enjoyable to you, you can also watch the live video– Jose Silvera, the CEO of Strive Enterprise, makes videos that could help you grow your business– live weekdays at 9 AM and 3 PM. PST on YouTube and Instagram!

When it comes to promoting a business, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Each business is unique and has its own marketing strategies and spending needs.

With that said, there are some commonalities that most businesses experience and go through before reaching the top of the industry. Here are the stages of business growth.

Stages of Business Growth


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At this stage, you’re still getting your business off the ground. You might not have any customers yet, and you may not even know what to sell.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t start building a marketing plan for your business.

At this stage of the game, you should be thinking about how you will attract new customers and build a brand for yourself. One way to do this is by creating a marketing plan for your startup business.

A marketing plan is a document that outlines how you will market your product or service and what your goals are for doing so. It’s an important tool because it helps ensure that your efforts are focused on achieving those goals — something that’s especially important at this stage when resources are limited and time is short (and often spent getting things done internally).

Overall, this is the time when your product is still new, and you need to gain awareness. At this stage, it’s best to focus on creating content and building an audience first. Then, once you have a solid base of followers, you can start thinking about paid advertising.


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The growth stage is when a business begins to generate significant revenue. The key to this phase is that it must be sustainable and repeatable. Success in the growth stage comes from creating a product or service that customers love and getting those customers to spread the word about your business.

Once you have achieved real, sustainable growth, you can begin to focus on growing the business further by adding new products or services. At this point, the focus shifts from product development to marketing, sales, and distribution.

To grow your business successfully in this stage, you need to understand how customers interact with your product or service. This includes understanding how they use it and what motivates them to buy it again and again. You also need to know your target audience and how best to reach them.

Finally, you need an effective system for capturing leads (prospects) from potential customers and converting them into paying users of your product or service as quickly as possible.

Once your product has gained popularity, it’s time for paid advertising. You want to get your name out there as much as possible so that people will know about your brand or product – and hopefully buy it! It’s still important to create great content and engage your audience, though, because they’ll be more likely to click on an ad if it looks interesting!


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The maturity stage is the semi-final stage in a business life cycle, which occurs when the company has reached a point of stability and profitability. At this point, the company has become a mature enterprise with strong financials and a solid reputation.

The maturity stage is also known as the decline phase or decline stage because sales begin to decline after reaching a peak during the growth phase. The decline stage can be further divided into two sub-stages:

Post-peak decline: After reaching its highest sales volume during the growth phase, a company will experience a decline in sales for some time until it reaches its saturation point. This decline is caused by market saturation, increased competition, and changes in consumer preferences.

Maturity: Once a company reaches its saturation point, it enters its maturity stage and begins to stabilize its sales volume while maintaining profitability levels across all product lines and regions.

Now that people know who you are and what your company does, there’s no need to spend money on advertising anymore! Instead, focus on getting customers through other means like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or organic Facebook ads (although keep in mind that Facebook recently changed its algorithm).


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Saturation is the point at which a market has reached the saturation point. In other words, when there are no more potential customers for a product or service.

Saturation occurs when there is no more growth potential in the industry because of market saturation. A company may be past its industry’s saturation if they see flat or declining sales and profits.

The saturation stage is reached when all the public demand has been satisfied by existing suppliers, and new suppliers cannot enter the market because of high entry costs (e.g., purchasing plant and equipment).

The key to success in this stage is to focus on quality rather than quantity since it will be hard to find new customers at this point. It would help if you also considered raising prices to increase profits, as demand will not increase much further anyway.

Your business will develop at a given pace. Most likely, you will never sit down and decide, “right, let’s grow!” You simply can’t. Because of that, growth happens naturally – or not. Depending on how you perceive it.

Is it possible to grow your business in four stages?


Just remember that while no two businesses are the same, we all have to start somewhere. If you’re looking to grow your business overall, give some thought to what stage of business you’re hoping to achieve next.

Now, without further ado, let’s determine when you should be paying to promote your business. Let’s fly high and land on the final stage of business by making yourself aware of promoting your business and when you should pay for it!

When to Pay to Promote Your Business?

Promotion is the lifeblood of any business. Without promotion, your business stays stagnant, or worse…it dies.

In your business’s early days, you might feel like you can’t afford to invest in promoting your business. You’ve got a limited budget and aren’t sure if it’s worth spending on promotion.

But how do you decide when it’s the right time to invest?

Here are some tips to help you decide when to promote your business:


When you’re trying to make money online, there is a myriad of options at your disposal. It cannot be obvious to determine the best way to monetize your website. And it’s even more frustrating to do all the work only to find that you’ve created your business in a way that makes it difficult for people to see or reach you. one of the ways we would recommend is having a sales course (meaning an email marketing guru course, Google ads guru course, Facebook ads guru course) from our website striveenterprise.com in helping guide you through the process and provide some advice along the way.

It would help if you also had a plan on how you’re going to promote your business long term. This includes having a budget for advertising and marketing to scale up as needed, depending on how well you are doing with your current campaigns.

If you do not know what kind of budget, start small and build up from there.


If you are still in the early stages, you should manage it all by yourself because it’s cheap, fast, and accessible. But when things start getting bigger, it is time to hire people who can help you grow faster!

For most entrepreneurs, this is a tough decision. You may have invested a lot of time and money into your business, and you don’t want to give up control. But if you’re going to grow your company, at some point, you will have to start delegating tasks that are taking up your time.

Here are some reasons why it makes sense to outsource some of your work:

You’re spending too much time on tasks that don’t add value to your business. If you’re spending hours each week trying to make sure all the widgets in your store are working properly, for example, that’s a good reason to hire someone else — or at least outsource the task, so it takes less time from you.

Your workload has become overwhelming. If you find yourself working all hours of the day and night and still not getting everything done, it might be time to consider bringing in help.

You need help with a specific project or task that isn’t part of your core competency or expertise. If you’ve never run Facebook ads before (or any other form of paid advertising), hiring someone who knows how can save you time and money over the long term by helping you optimize those campaigns so they actually work instead of just wasting money on clicks that don’t really work or convert.


When your business has a monthly budget of over $7000 for marketing, you can either go with a professional marketing agency that will take care of the things you used to do or hire an employee who knows what they are doing and will continue the advertising results, run more ads across different platforms, send out newsletter emails, etc.

Moreover, you’d need to hire a full-time salesperson or sales team to follow up and close deals.

By generating a lot more leads and deals, you’ll be able to start implementing automated processes to help reduce the team’s workload and improve efficiency.

Having someone else working for you can be very beneficial for your business. You don’t want to spend all day on Facebook and Instagram doing ads. Then, you have to go back into your website and make changes to get more sales leads.

If you have someone else working with you doing everything else while also managing the ads and getting sales leads, it would be so much easier for everyone!

The first thing you need to do is develop a budget that makes sense for your business. You can spend as much or as little as you want on Facebook ads, but I would recommend starting with at least $100 per campaign.

If you don’t have $100 to spend on your campaigns, then don’t worry! You can start small and scale up later when you have more cash on hand.

Once your budget is set, you can start creating your first campaign!

Is Paid Promotion Still Worth Your Money?

Well, promoting your business is one of the most important things that you need to do. However, many people don’t understand why it’s so important and how it can help their business grow.

If you want to be successful in business, you need to promote yourself and your brand as much as possible. Here are some reasons why doing so is so critical:

1) It increases your visibility – The more people know about your brand and what you do, the more likely they’ll be interested in buying from you. If they don’t know who you are or what you do, they won’t buy from you and will look elsewhere for supplies or services.

2) It creates trust – When someone hears about a product or service from someone they trust, they’re more likely to purchase it because they know that person wouldn’t recommend something unless it were good quality or value for them. In other words, if someone recommends something high enough to make them feel like they can trust it, they’re more likely to buy it themselves, too, because of that recommendation alone!

3) It pays off in the long run – If people trust what you’re saying enough that they’re willing to try out your products or services themselves, then this means that they’ll probably engage and stay with you. You build trust with them, and now they are willing to pay for your product and service. And once you get to the top of the industry, you will no longer need any hardcore marketing but just kind of a reminder advertisement or for some new products or design launching.


If you are thinking of starting your own business, then you have already visualized what it looks like to be successful. Now, it’s time to do something about it. Promoting your company is essential, and it may be expensive at times, but that is the price of success. You simply can’t ignore this if you want to grow your business in the most efficient way possible.

When you are doing business on the go, it is imperative that you promote yourself—frequent your local pubs, restaurants, and clubs for networking. Always maintain a good posture such that you can make an impression. Also, wear nice attires, especially when presenting your business plan.

To be successful in any business, one must spend money to make money, as this is a simple formula for growing your business big and small.

See you soon. Adios!

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