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Navigating the Digital World: How to Find Peace of Mind in Web Design and Digital Marketing Services

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, establishing a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals alike. From websites that serve as virtual storefronts to digital marketing strategies that drive engagement, the digital world offers tremendous opportunities. However, it’s also a realm that can evoke a range of worries and concerns, especially for those embarking on the journey for the first time. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the common concerns that prospective clients often have when considering web design and digital marketing services and offer insights on how to find peace of mind in this dynamic space.

At Strive Enterprise, we’re your silent companions on the path to digital peace. Together, we can explore how our expertise can transform concerns into confidence, and hesitation into harmonious success in the digital sphere!

The Budget Worries


Concern: One of the most common worries is the budget. Clients often wonder if they can afford professional web design and digital marketing services, especially if they’re a small business or a startup.

Solution: It’s essential to recognize that digital services come in a variety of price ranges. The key is to align your budget with your goals. Start with a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and find a service provider that offers scalable solutions. Remember, digital marketing can be highly cost-effective when executed strategically, delivering a strong return on investment (ROI).

The ROI Question


Concern: Clients often question the return on investment for web design and digital marketing services. They wonder if the money they invest will translate into tangible results.

Solution: ROI is a legitimate concern, but it’s essential to view it in the long term. Digital marketing, when done right, can yield substantial ROI. Look for a service provider that can provide case studies or references to demonstrate their track record. Moreover, define clear, measurable goals and ensure they align with your business objectives. Transparency and data-driven strategies can help you track progress and gauge the impact of your investment.

The Complexity Conundrum


Concern: The digital world can seem complex and overwhelming. Clients worry about navigating the intricacies of web design, SEO, PPC advertising, and other digital marketing strategies.

Solution: Digital marketing can indeed be intricate, but you don’t have to go it alone. Seek a service provider that offers guidance and education throughout the process. A good partner will explain the complexities in simple terms and involve you in decision-making. You don’t need to be a digital expert; you just need a trusted guide.

Transparency and Trust


Concern: Clients may fear a lack of transparency in digital marketing services. They worry about hidden costs, undisclosed strategies, and uncertain outcomes.

Solution: Transparency should be a non-negotiable factor in your partnership. Look for a service provider that provides clear, itemized pricing and a breakdown of services. Ask for regular reports and updates on progress. A trustworthy provider will have nothing to hide and will welcome your questions.

Achieving Desired Results


Concern: The ultimate worry is whether the services will deliver the desired results. Clients fear investing time and resources without seeing their online presence grow.

Solution: Finding the right partner is crucial to achieving desired results. Look for a service provider with a proven track record and a portfolio of successful projects. Ask for references and case studies. Additionally, communicate your goals and expectations clearly from the beginning. A good provider will tailor strategies to align with your objectives.

At Strive Enterprise, we are dedicated to turning your concerns about achieving your desired results into successful outcomes. Hand-in-hand, we can discover how our time-tested strategies and customized approach can propel you towards your online objectives.

Finding Peace of Mind in the Digital World

  • Seek Recommendations: Ask for recommendations from peers or industry associations. Word of mouth is a powerful indicator of a service provider’s reliability.
  • Check Reviews: Look for online reviews and testimonials. Feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into the service provider’s performance.
  • Inquire About Experience: Don’t hesitate to ask about the service provider’s experience in your industry or niche. Experience often translates into a better understanding of your specific needs.
  • Evaluate Communication: Assess the provider’s communication style and responsiveness. Effective communication is key to a successful partnership.
  • Request a Consultation: Many service providers offer free consultations. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your concerns, goals, and expectations in detail.
  • Review Contracts Carefully: Before committing, review service agreements carefully. Ensure they outline services, timelines, pricing, and expectations clearly.
  • Start Small: If you’re unsure, consider starting with a smaller project to gauge the service provider’s capabilities and reliability.

The digital world is undoubtedly complex, but it’s also a realm of boundless opportunities. Your peace of mind in web design and digital marketing services can be achieved through careful planning, education, transparency, and choosing the right partner.

At Strive Enterprise, we understand the worries and concerns that can come with venturing into the digital landscape. Our team is dedicated to addressing these concerns and empowering you to navigate the digital world with confidence. We offer scalable solutions that align with your budget and goals, ensuring that you receive a strong ROI on your investment. Our transparent communication and data-driven strategies provide clarity and peace of mind as we work together to achieve your desired results.

In your quest for peace of mind in web design and digital marketing services, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are experienced professionals who can provide guidance, support, and a customized approach to help you succeed in the digital age. The digital landscape is full of potential, and with Strive Enterprise as your partner, you can harness it to achieve your goals and thrive online.


5 Things Every Great Home Page Has. Make the Most of Every Visitor!

by Charleen Montano April 18, 2022

Imagine selling a house with a messed up lawn, zero to bad painting, creepy backyard, or what else? No buyer, right? Unless you’re in a horror movie where the protagonist usually buys an old creepy house and later on complains that the house is haunted. Great!


A great homepage is exactly what you need for your website because of this! 

You can think of your homepage as your house’s front door or let’s say, your lawn which welcomes visitors on their first step going through your house. People see it as they land on your site and you want to make a good first impression. That said, it’s not just a matter of appearances. Your homepage should also be able to generate sales. An unattractive lawn or unusable driveway prevents future buyers from considering or even stepping into the house, as stated earlier, your website is no different.

“Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

It’s important to know what to include on a website’s homepage in order to attract more customers.

I’m going to tell you what goes into a great home page. 



Read on. 

Or if video more thing, check this out:

See dozens of related videos that can help you through your getting a website journey: Jose Silvera – YouTube we’re in this together!

What is the Effective Website Homepage Design?

A website homepage is the first page that visitors to your site will see. It is the page that will represent your brand online. Your homepage is where you make a first impression, so it has to be fantastic.

Your website homepage design determines whether visitors stay or leave. Statistics show that more than 40 percent of visitors leave a website if it takes more than three seconds to load. Therefore, you need to make sure that your site loads fast and is designed properly in order to boost conversions.

Here are the major elements to consider for an effective website homepage design:


“Make a good first impression always” is a problem because it’s vague advice, and the concept has been beaten to death since the day I was born. A good homepage is important to make it easy to quickly communicate a great user experience. The first impression design will always excite the visitors and make them want to experience your site’s contents within seconds of landing on your homepage.

Is your homepage design effective in creating a great first impression that engages your potential customers? 

Does it convey the right message? 

Does it show the value of your services and products? 

Starting the prospect’s journey on the right path can make all the difference– make all of these questions answered by “YES” and hit the win button!


Aladdin had one. 

The Starship Enterprise has one. 

It would be hard to find a website that doesn’t have one. 

That’s right, I’m talking about the navigation menu — it’s been around since the dawn of the internet (and probably longer) and is an essential part of every site that deals with visitors and users.

You know how it is. You’re on a website and you see a link to something that looks interesting…except, ugh. It’s a seven-step process to get there. You’d almost rather skip it. 

Why don’t website owners just keep the navigation simple? You know, keep things one click away and make navigation obvious by putting your most important links at the top of the page.

Having such a thing as a clear navigation menu on your homepage will not only help your visitors find their way around your website, it will also give your website a professional look, and can also increase the number of users who convert into clients. You should keep in mind that some of the most well-known websites in the world have no more than two or three links for their navigation and yet they get by successfully. Keep in mind that if you go overboard and try to include more links than you need, you might end up making things more confusing rather than less.

Good design is ultimately one that meets the user’s needs and expectations. In order to achieve any complexity, you need to know your audience. 

Begin by asking yourself, “Who will be viewing this site?” 

You could have the modern equivalent of the Sistine Chapel for a website homepage and if the user’s demographic can’t appreciate it, it won’t matter.


One of the elements to consider for an effective website homepage design is to Include a Hero Image or Video with an Effective CTA. 

First things first — what exactly is a hero image or video? 

Essentially, a “hero image” is a large banner image or video that occupies a prominent position on the homepage of a website. What it serves as is a sort of primer on the site’s features and functionality.

You don’t want to go to a restaurant without knowing what they serve, right? 

I mean, why would anyone want to go someplace and order something when they could get it somewhere else? 

You see, you’re exactly like me. 

What is a hero image or video on a website with a call to action? 

So, you want to make sure that when your visitors land on your site, they’re really wowed.

For this to happen, you’d want them to go, whoa! 

Your website’s hero image or video is the best place for that. It’s supposed to catch the visitor’s eye and draw attention. A hero image or video is usually a visual representation of the niche your site belongs to. These images or videos are like first impressions, so it’s crucial that they tell your audience what you have to offer in the best way possible.

You can never go wrong with great hero images or videos.

You may only have a few seconds to pique their interest before they click away. Using a call-to-action (CTA) in your site’s hero section that directly addresses the primary concerns or needs of your visitors encourages them to act immediately.

The best website homepage designs are both inviting and conversion-worthy. 

Put yourself in your optimal customer’s shoes: how would you feel upon landing on your site? What would compel you to act on your call to action? The answer may have a lot more to do with aesthetics than you might think. 

When the time comes to use hero images or videos on homepages for a high bounce rate, consider these tips to help get the priorities of your multimedia content and text in alignment with the best homepage design practices for maximum effectiveness.


Throughout life, there are many situations where we want to fit in with the ‘in-crowd.’ 

No matter what you’re trying to find – a trendy new bar near you…

Or a new hairstylist to meet with. 

If you want to convince someone they’re in the right place and that this is the right decision, you might make it a lot easier to convince them if you demonstrate that others have already done it.

Online reviews are now a common occurrence. As soon as we decide to buy something online, we check out other people’s opinions and ratings.

And correct me if I’m wrong– decision-making becomes a lot easier when all five stars are displayed!

Social proof elements, such as testimonials, awards, or reviews, should always be considered for inclusion on your homepage. Even if you aren’t an expert, you can learn a lot from these resources. 

While social proof can help your site succeed, it is important to select the right elements.


The homepage design of the top internet marketing companies has been studied and found to be interesting. High-quality images, graphics, and video are just some of the notable features. The home page now takes precedence over any other part of the website, and this is especially true for large, corporate websites. This is due to the fact that many of the site’s features are only of interest to a small percentage of its users. It is common for them to have a strong desire or hunger for a specific piece of information, and then to pursue it directly. 

Home page elements are now being fine-tuned to reflect users’ interests so that relevant information about a site’s product or service can be effectively delivered.

First impressions are important, and a well-done website homepage can pique visitors’ interest and encourage them to learn more about your business.

Whatever you decide to do, remember that less is more. 

Your homepage is not a gallery; it’s a real estate investment opportunity. You need to immediately convince the visitors that your website has a reason for existing and no one else’s. 

The design elements have to tie together seamlessly and directly contribute to the goal of convincing the visitor to spend time on your site.

Checking Your Homepage’s Performance.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to web design. The design of a website may appeal to me while it irritates you. People aren’t the same, you can’t please everyone.

So, choose who to please.


Let’s figure it out.

Is your website homepage generating a steady flow of new leads and sales?

Most business owners answer this question with a resounding, “No!”

And they’re right. In fact, most homepages convert at less than 1%.

What gives?

You’ve done everything you can to make your homepage look great. You’ve included pretty pictures, compelling headlines, and convincing calls to action. Yet, it still doesn’t seem to be getting the job done.

Sometimes all that’s needed is a little fine-tuning to get things moving in the right direction. But where do you start?

Here are 4 simple steps you can use to check your homepage’s performance:


More and more people are spending time online, so it is critical that your website is set up to encourage them to stay and explore. 

Longer, however, isn’t always preferable. 

You don’t want your visitors to leave your website because they can’t find the information they need or are not able to fulfill the desired action, like making a purchase, but you want them to stay because they enjoy the content and experience.

As a performance metric, Google Analytics is one of the most commonly used tools in the market today. Google Analytics uses the difference in timestamps of hits to calculate the average time spent on a page. 


The one-and-done approach, of course, isn’t going to work long term because you’ll need to keep attracting new visitors to your site and should show more effort in making them all come back or at least 70% of them. 

Visitors who already visited your website, especially those who engaged and became your customer should be enticed to return to your site by the content you are putting out there.

New visitors have a two-year expiration date set by Google. Returning visitors are marked in Google Analytics if they have visited a website within the last two years and returned from the same device. Anyone who last visited a website more than two years ago will be counted as a new visitor when they return.


Search engine rankings are a good way to see how well your homepage is doing. You must be doing something right if your rankings are so high. If they’re low, it’s likely time to reevaluate your search engine optimization strategy.

It’s not always easy to figure out how to get a good search engine ranking. To your readers, it’s difficult to figure out what to do and what steps to take. 

I’ve been trying to come up with a fresh approach to this issue. Perhaps you need to stop considering ranking as just one element that you focus on separately.

Choosing a homepage that has a high search engine rank is important if you want your business to thrive. Having a high-quality website isn’t worth anything if no one can find it. Having a high search engine ranking can be a huge benefit to your business.


Ahhh yeah, of course, the tools to measure page load speeds and site loading times. These tools can be crucial to your success because they can help you track how your website is improving or decreasing over time (month, year, or even 5 years). 

Using these tools, you can discover which aspects of your business are contributing to or detracting from your bottom line.

The homepage of your website is the first thing a visitor sees, and it’s also the source of the majority of your traffic. Your SEO strategy should include it and should conform to best practices, but needs constant tweaking.

Online statistics may be flashy, but at their core, they are nothing more than numbers. Everyone wants something and will keep looking for it until they find it.

Just because more people are looking for the same things online doesn’t mean they’re doing it elsewhere. Only you know if making a change will have a positive or negative impact on your livelihood.

5 Things That Make Up A Good Home Page

When it comes to website homepages, some things stand out – and others don’t. 

So what makes a homepage great? 

Put simply, it’s the sum of its parts. 

Here are five elements that every great homepage has.


One of the elements to make up a great homepage is to showcase What Makes You The Best. 

If we delve deeper into this, I mean: Why should your visitor care? 

Who knows, maybe the visitor is only looking for the above-the-fold trending topics but isn’t it always better to hook them in with something that makes them curious?

“Never compete, dominate!”

Right! Show them why you’re the best, don’t let visitors look for another site, and make them feel that they have everything that they need by visiting your website.

A good home page is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to start getting attention. If you can get customers to opt into your home page, your email list will grow dramatically, your overall conversion rate will increase, and you’ll make a boatload of money. 

And trust me when I tell you this, people will put in their details on a great homepage in droves.


A hero section is the area of your website that appears immediately beneath your logo and menu when a visitor arrives. As a general rule, this section of the page should contain the following: 

  • Describe what you can do for us. 
  • Because you are trustworthy. 
  • How working with you will benefit me.

Now, you might be saying “Carousels are dead” and I forgive you for saying that.

I know and hear a lot of people saying that, and trust me, it’s not true.

The Hero Section or Carousel is one of the elements that make up a great homepage. Hero section is another term used when referring to this part of the page, however, carousel has been popularized by many startups like Facebook and Tumblr.

All in all, using the Hero Section/Carousel element on your homepage can be a highly effective strategy to use.  They can make your homepage look visually appealing, and they allow you to display relevant information that details whatever it is that your homepage is selling. 

Believe it or not, many of these elements have already been used before on popular websites. Although they are not new ideas by any means, they are gaining popularity each day as more people and companies find out their benefits. 

So why not give them a shot? 

See how they work for you and see if they have the same positive effects on your business as they have had on other businesses around the world.


Products and services are not as complicated as they used to be. Just tell the customer what they get by using your product or service, and let them know how much it’s going to cost. 

Done and done.

Put it on their face!

Your customer is going to be surprised to learn that you are as awesome as they think you are.

It’s important to let your potential customers know about the product/service benefits you offer, where else do you do that? 

Umm… home page. 

Just kidding.  

But yes, there is no place more important to highlight the key benefits than on the homepage.


A good headline, a great offer, and a compelling call to action are fundamental factors that make up a great homepage. However, testimonials and reviews are not to be overlooked either. 

Reviews showing trust and writing customer testimonials give you an association with clients and help build the connection between them and your brand.

Testimonials & Reviews have become so important. 

This is because people want to know that you have good products and services. After all, they would hate to give their time, money, and effort to someone who is an unknown entity or doesn’t know what they are doing.

You can’t make up a great homepage without testimonials and reviews. It’s like making chicken noodle soup without the chicken, or nachos without the cheese. 

Wait…does that mean nachos are just chips with salsa and sour cream? 

Well ha! Nice try Frito-Lay, but we know better.

By the way, don’t forget to include where those reviews coming from whether it is from google or somewhere, of course, they need to know that the reviews you are putting are real ones and not that you are making them yourself.


Ha! Those above mentioned? Are just warm-ups. Here we go with the real deal….

Call To Action – CTA for short, is a term that every marketer hears about and uses. But have you ever wondered what exactly is it? Why do marketers use it and how to use it effectively?

A homepage without a clear and concise call to action (e.g., like, sign up, or buy) can sometimes be an unfocused mess. The scattershot approach doesn’t do anything except make the visitor feel frustrated and that they have ‘lost’ on their website session. Still, many websites seem to do just this — scatter bits of content all over the place with no real focus or direction.

After all the efforts you put into your website and getting visitors to engage and convert, of course, tell them the part which is the reason for all of these. Call to action button.

The buy now button, bruh.

This is the point of all these, right?

Get them or you’ll lose the opportunity. 

What a Well-Designed Homepage Can Do for Your Business?

This should be common knowledge, but just in case, a well-designed homepage can help you out a lot. As a result, we’re always looking for ways to improve our businesses. This is, in fact, true, and there is a solid basis for it. The design of your website is just as important as the quality of your content when it comes to how well your website performs.

Human psychology is a major focus in the corporate world. Consumers aren’t completely logical beings who can be persuaded by facts and figures alone, and businesses have finally realized this. Customers are more likely to purchase from your website if you create a strong emotional connection with them through the design and content of your website. A well-designed homepage can aid in establishing a relationship with customers and fostering a sense of community among those customers.

A good home page doesn’t need to include all of the above mentioned, but if you’re missing one or more of these elements you’re missing out on a key component. Even though this guide isn’t written law, it will help you get started in the right direction when it comes to designing a homepage.

The good news is that there are plenty of good home page examples out there. 

The bad news? 

It can be tough to identify all the things that make a homepage great. 

That’s why going through lists like this one can be so beneficial. Use them to get some ideas, and then start thinking about how you can incorporate these elements into your own site. After all, if you want to make a good first impression on your viewers, your homepage has to be nothing short of excellent!

Wondering where to find a good web developer/designer that can help you execute all the 5 things every great homepage has?

We’re ready to help you with open arms!

Contact Us!

(833) 886-2681

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We Also Offer Digital Marketing for Small & Big Businesses, SEO, E-Commerce, WordPress, PPC Campaign Development & Management for Google, Bing & Yahoo!, Facebook Ads, and more!

Adios! See you!


10 Super Simple Tricks for Designing Websites that Crush It

by Charleen Montano April 26, 2022

“We are still in the first minute of the first day of internet revolution”

– Scott Cock

….and yes, we still have far to go.

Image Source

Technologies nowadays are fast-growing and thus, every company must cope with these changes and it has to start where it all started— the website.

Ever heard of “A good first impression can work wonders” quote by JK Rowling? Well, it is a pretty common and over used quote ever. But have we truly understand its value and impact?

I don’t think so.

Potential clients search for the character of its company by visiting its profile through the website, so you want to create a creative, informative, and exciting website design. 

So what are the keys to building a better Web design?

It’s something you can start right now. 

We’re going to teach you.

Keep reading and learn the tips and tricks you should follow to have a successful website design by Jose Silvera— CEO of Strive Enterprise, a website expert, digital Marketer recognized by Google, and Bing ads for training campaign with over 100% conversion rates. 

A super simple way to help you attract clients is to reach out to you and make a good deal with your business.

So grab a snack and get ready to dig in.

Perhaps you are more of a video person, check this out:

Websites design has become an ever-changing field, with new trends and tools popping up every day. The field is also becoming more accessible to casual users, so it’s essential to keep up with the latest changes in design and development. This list of tips and tricks is meant to give you a little something that will help you make your site look better, function better, or just be a little bit more fun for everyone who visits.

Why Do You Need to Improve Your Website?

There are many reasons for it, but most importantly, it’s good for business. When your customers have a positive experience on your website, there is a greater chance that they will trust you and come back again.

 “If the customer doesn’t find what he’s looking for, he’s gone.”

 Having a good-looking website and intuitive navigation is critical because it allows customers to visit your site and find the information they are looking for. A website will enable you to share the news with customers, promote special offers and coupons, or simply provide a great way to get in touch with them.

You can also showcase your products and services and project a professional image of your company. If people can easily find what they are looking for on your website, they are more likely to order from you instead of going to a competitor.

It’s not just about design anymore.

The web is now a place where people come to read your content, enjoy your media, and learn about your products and services. Your website needs to be an extension of your business that does all of these things in the most effective way possible. Many companies are still using their websites as brochure sites or as glorified online catalogs, but those who have made the leap into creating a truly powerful asset use their websites to attract visitors.

A website with a great design can help you sell more products and services, but if it’s not optimized for search engines or doesn’t communicate clearly what you do, then all the pretty pixels in the world don’t matter.

Website design is an art form combining both art and science. Like any art, it needs to be beautiful, but unlike other arts, it also needs to be functional.

The main goal of website design is to make it easy for visitors to find information and navigate the website using different devices, browsers, and platforms. The following are some of the tips and tricks that can help you achieve that goal.

Tip # 1: Fixed header

A fixed header, also known as a sticky header, follows your visitor throughout the website. A header is the top part of the website, which is the first thing that visitors see. It usually displays the name of the website, the logo, the navigation area, and the contact number.

A website without a fixed header can easily have its users confused. This is because it is harder to navigate through the website when there are no visual cues to direct the user’s eyes towards where they must click next. A website with a fixed header, however, has clear visual cues that tell you where you need to go next.

One of the most important benefits of having a fixed-header website is that it gives the user an idea of where they are on the page.

It does this by providing you with a mental map.

The user will know that there are links above their current position on the page that lead to other pages and sections on the site. Below their current position, there are links that take them back to the main menu or forward them to other sections or pages of the site.

The main menu that appears above your current position on the page should be straightforward and easy to read. It should contain links to all of your sites, as well as links to other areas such as contact information and copyright statements. It should not be cluttered with unnecessary information or links, but instead kept simple and clean so that anyone using your site can quickly find what they are.

And for the sake of this blog, allow me to explain it further and simply…..

The importance of having a fixed header on a website is like the importance of having your pants on when going to a job interview. You can look great and be really good at your job, but if you don’t have your pants on, you’ll find yourself going home unemployed. 

If you’ve ever used a website without a fixed header, you’ll know why it’s important to have one: it gives the user a sense of place and trust. It’s also important because people will expect it and they’ll be annoyed if it isn’t there.

The biggest benefit is that people visiting your site will have consistency with other sites they’ve visited. It’s just easier for them to interact with the site if they know what to expect– for example, their screen won’t suddenly shift around as content gets added or moved around.

 A fixed header (which usually means “no scroll”) is also used as an anchor for links that point outside of your site, such as social media buttons (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) or a link to email someone about the site.

When these things are constantly moving up and down the screen as users scroll through your site, it breaks the user’s immersion in the content of the site and pulls them out of whatever experience they were having.

Tip # 2: Background Video

Videos are inarguably the most powerful visual medium. They can evoke strong emotions, make us remember things for longer periods of time, and, most importantly, they’re fun!

While videos are more common on landing pages and in social media posts, they’re also starting to be used more often in website design. Video backgrounds can be a great way to engage visitors with your content and keep them on the page longer.

If you want your website to be imprinted on the minds of your visitors and be more engaging, adding a video is a step forward. Here are some tips on how to accomplish this:

Website design and development should be user-friendly.

The use of video will make your website more appealing to users.

Sometimes it can be hard for a person to stay focused on the content of your page if there is no background video playing because a lot of times, these videos play annoying music or sounds that people cannot stand listening to. If you want them to stay engaged, then make sure that the sound is turned off or muted for this type of project when working with background videos on web pages!

The best thing about using a video as opposed to an image is that you can use high-resolution photos in the background, which gives your website more of an artistic feel while still being very professional looking at the same time!

You need to remember just a few things when it comes to having a background video as a part of your website. The main thing is that your video needs to be compatible with all of the browsers out there. So make sure you have both HTML5 and flash versions, and if possible, go for the flash version if the users have it.

Tip # 3: Compressed Images

As the saying goes, 

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” 

Well, the same goes for websites.

Having pictures on your website is one of the best ways to grab a visitor’s attention, but it’s also one of the most effective ways to slow down your website. 

Image compression is the act of reducing the size of an image without losing quality to an acceptable level. The goal is to produce images that load quickly without sacrificing quality.

For many reasons, it is important to have compressed images on your website. The first reason is that it speeds up the time it takes for your page to load. If you have a website with many images that are not compressed, then you will see a dramatic slowdown in the time it takes for a web page to load. It can also decrease the amount of server space you use, which will result in a lower cost to host your site. Compressed images can also help people using mobile devices view your site because it will help reduce their data usage.

To sum it up, here are five reasons why you need to compress images on your website:

  1. A website with compressed images loads faster.
  2. It improves the user experience.
  3. It reduces bandwidth usage, which in turn reduces hosting costs.
  4. It helps you save on SEO costs.
  5. Google rewards you for it by ranking your website higher in search results because page speed has been a ranking factor on mobile devices since 2018 and on desktop devices since 2010. 

The next question you probably have is… “How do I compress my images, then?”

There are many ways to do this, actually, and most of them are free! There are websites out there that will allow you to upload your pictures and they will compress them for you and then allow you to download them, such as the sites that we are using:



“Even if it’s just a few milliseconds, that could be the difference between your site either gaining or losing countless website visitors. And you need those visitors so you can increase your web leads. ”

Tip # 4: Lazy Loads and Script Defer

A very important technique to make your web page load faster is to lazy load images and scripts that are not critical for the initial page rendering.

Lazy loading is an optimization technique for online content, be it a website or web app. It delays the loading of non-critical resources at page load time. Instead, these non-critical resources are loaded at the moment of need.

When a user visits a web page, the browser begins to construct it. If the page includes external resources, such as images, style sheets, JavaScript files, etc., the browser has to download them all before showing anything on the screen. Lazy loading helps prevent that by delaying resource downloading until they’re really needed.

Script deferring allows you to write code that will run after the DOM has finished loading rather than before, which helps with performance.

Tip # 5: Section Distinction

Don’t you hate it when you get to the end of a website and have no idea where to click next?

With all the scrolling, swiping, and clicking between pages, there are so many opportunities for things to get lost in cyberspace. When there is no clear distinction between sections of a website, it can be easy to get lost or become confused about where to go next. It’s important for sites to make it clear where one section ends and another begins so that visitors know that they’re not missing anything by clicking the wrong link.

The best way to achieve a visually pleasing but user–friendly design is by using section distinction. Here are a few tips for doing so:

     Use different colors for different sections of your website, such as complementary colors (red/green) or those with high contrast (blue/yellow).

     Add images or icons that complement each in different sections but not elsewhere on the page.

    Keep each section simple and related to the main idea of its respective page.

As a rule, content is king. You’ve probably heard that a million times before. But that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you need to consider while creating a website.

You also need to think about how the content is organized and how it’s presented, otherwise, your site will quickly become cluttered and confusing, with important information buried under a pile of visual distractions.

That’s why section distinction matters– this simple technique can go a long way toward creating an effective website.

Tip # 6: Call to Action Buttons

There are different elements that you will find on a website, but one of the most important is the call-to-action button. If you want to make sure your website is converting visitors into prospects or customers, then this is one of the key things you need to include.

This is what can help to increase conversion rates, but there are also other benefits associated with these buttons as well.

One of the main functions of a call-to-action button is to encourage the visitor to take action by clicking on it. They are used in all kinds of ways, such as encouraging people to subscribe to a mailing list or purchase a product. If a person has no way of making purchases on your site, they will not be able to do anything, so they may leave and never come back again. The only way that you can get them to stay on your site and buy something is if you have some sort of button that encourages them to take action. When someone clicks on the button, then it will take them directly to the page where they can make a purchase, which means more sales for you.

Click here to buy, sign up for our newsletter, join our community, etc. But how do you make a good one? 

Well, it doesn’t take a genius, but there are some simple tricks that can help you make your CTAs more effective. You may want to read our previous article, “How to Make a Perfect Call to Action That Generates Leads,” to have a better understanding of this topic and use those tips to get your call to action buttons noticed.

First of all, keep in mind that the CTA button is not just another link in the sea of links on your website. It should be different so that it stands out and gets noticed by your visitors. Use colors that contrast with the colors on the rest of your website. Choose colors that have high contrast with other colors on your site—for example, if your site is predominantly white, use bright red or yellow for your CTA buttons because they will be easy to spot among all that white.

Secondly, make sure that your CTAs are easy to find. Don’t hide them at the bottom of a page or behind other information like text and images—they should be front and center so that people see them first thing when they come to your site.

In conclusion, a call to action button is extremely important to have following a landing page or an offer website. Without it, you would be wasting your time.

If your goal is to make the maximum profit while spending the minimum, then you should add a “Call to Action” button to the website design for your next project.

Tip # 7: Never add YouTube Videos to the Homepage

The website’s homepage is the first thing your visitors will see, so it’s important to make good decisions about how you design it. Some people might argue that you should always add a YouTube video to your homepage because it looks nice and grabs people’s attention. But we’re here to tell you that this is a mistake.

To begin with, not everyone has high-speed internet or unlimited data plans on their phones. A video can take up a lot of space on someone’s device and may cost a lot of money if they end up paying for excess data charges. If a visitor sees a video on your homepage, they may immediately decide that your site isn’t worth the risk of using up all their data for the month.

Also, videos are really annoying to some people. They don’t want anything to distract them from their task. They just want to view your website without having to worry about turning off the volume or clicking on something to pause the video. And when you add YouTube videos to your website, you’re also making visitors watch ads—because Google doesn’t let you share videos unless you have advertisements included on them too!

At the end of the day, it’s about being respectful of other people’s preferences and experiences.

Tip # 8: Simple Design

The best website designs are simple, clean, and direct. But there’s a lot more to know about the importance of simple web design than just that. The best designers don’t fall into the trap of going overboard with design elements. They understand what their users want, how to give it to them, and why less is more.

Macaroni and cheese are delicious because it’s one of the simplest recipes out there. It’s just elbow macaroni and melted cheese, with salt and pepper for taste. Sure, you can add other ingredients, but why bother? Adding veggies or meat makes a macaroni dish “better” in some people’s eyes, but others would argue that you’re ruining its simplicity—and, therefore its taste.

Simple web design is the same way.

You may be tempted to add all the bells and whistles to your site (sliders, carousels, hamburger menus), but this often detracts from usability and causes confusion for visitors. A simple design gives users what they want without making them feel overwhelmed or confused. If users feel overwhelmed by a website, they tend to leave without buying anything or taking action—which means no conversion for you!

When it comes to web design, simplicity is essential. While there are many ways to go about designing your site in a complex fashion, you’ll find that it’s best to stick to the essentials when it comes to your visitors’ experience. The simplest designs are often the most effective and can be achieved in several ways.

Simplicity makes for faster loading, by the way.

In this day and age, it’s essential for your website to load as quickly as possible. Even the most loyal of customers will likely give up on a site if it takes too long to load, so the faster your site runs, the better. A simple design means that you’ll have fewer images on each page, which will lead to much faster loading times.

Tip # 9: Don’t Use Stock Photo

Stock photos are everywhere. Whether you need a picture of a smiling couple, a beach at sunset, or an office space, the internet is awash in photos of people who don’t know you. These images have become synonymous with lazy web design and have the potential to turn off your website visitors.


Because they’re fake. And people can tell. 

People can tell when something doesn’t seem right. And stock photos on your website definitely don’t feel right. They create this sense that something is off—that what we see isn’t really what we’re getting.

It creates this little seedling of distrust, which makes it hard to connect with visitors on an emotional level. This makes it harder to convert visitors into customers because they don’t feel like they can trust you yet.

If you use stock photos on your website, you give the impression that you don’t care about your brand enough to take real pictures for it. It also makes it appear like you have nothing real to say about yourself or your business because all of your photos are fakes, and you have no real experience in the field you claim to be an expert in.

I know you want your website to look legit, but using a stock photo of generic people in business clothing just makes your site look like a template.

Think about it: if you’re looking for a trustworthy service provider and come across two websites, one of which has photos that look staged and unnatural, and the other has photos that are clearly of real people who are visibly happy with what they do, which one would you be more likely to choose? If it’s the latter, then you know where I’m going with this.

You want site visitors to buy into your credibility—the best way to do that is by showing them the real people behind your business.

Don’t be afraid to show off your fun side on your website!

The human brain is wired to be attracted to things that are familiar and relatable. So let people see you for who you really are.

Tip # 10: Reviews & Testimonials

“Customer reviews are critical; they count as much as a personal recommendation to 72% of online users.”

As you know, word-of-mouth marketing is the most valuable source of marketing. According to a Nielsen study, 92% of consumers believe suggestions from friends and family more than they do advertising—the stat alone solidified the word of mouth use case.

Testimonials are a great way of connecting with your customers. It’s a human thing: we love to know what other humans think, and we love to hear stories that make us feel good.

Reviews and testimonials will help you connect with your users on a more personal level, but they also have plenty of practical benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the main ones:

     Testimonials build trust.

     They provide proof that you are legitimate and can be trusted.

     They help create social proof.

     They give you an idea of what people like about your product or service, allowing you to improve it.

So, it is best to add a review section to your home page or your landing page and showcase the best reviews you’ve ever gotten from social media, either from Google, Twitter, or Facebook.

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