by Jose Silvera July 25, 2021
I wrote this blog post based on my most successful YouTube video, which got over a 1000 views when I had only 20 some subscribers, these 10 things that every great website has, are a definite must for your business’s website if you are serious about growing and expanding it to reach its fullest potential. This blog post is straightforward but its intrinsic value is worth millions of dollars, and maybe even more, I’ve used the content of this blog post to improve my own website and each one of my client’s websites, some of these businesses have seen even a 120% increase in visitors, conversions and sales.
These are proven techniques based on buyer’s psychology, sales fundamentals, and professional prospecting strategies. Don’t take any of these ten things lightly or underestimate their potential to lead customers and visitors to do what you want them to do or buying your products and services. If you already pay for digital advertisement or have a decent or great SEO, you will see an almost immediate increase on incoming phone calls, emails, and revenue, so much that you won’t even believe it like most of my clients when I apply them to their website.
If you are wondering who is this guy Jose Silvera and how is he so good and I don’t know about him, well that’s totally normal and it’s not your fault but mine, you see I have been behind the scene most of my career as a Web Designer and Digital Marketer, I’ve worked for other companies as an employee and helped other small and medium-sized businesses on the side for almost 6 years, it was until May 2019 when I decided to start my own company while I was still a full time employee making websites, managing them, doing marketing research on different industries, creating marketing campaigns on Google, Bing, Facebook & Instagram Ads, Graphic Design, Social Media, SEO… you name it and I have done it if it’s related to the internet!
Some of my biggest professional and personal achievements until now include:
- Got businesses with $80K a month in sales, all the way up to $230K+ in monthly sales.
- Reduced Google Ads cost per click for client’s accounts from $10-7 all the way down to $2.5 and even from $5 to $0.5 in some amazing cases.
- Manage Over $250K a year in Digital Advertisement and counting (only in Las Vegas).
- Built websites that are valued $60K and more today.
- Helped dozens of businesses over the world to dominate their sector.
- Gave work to people that needed it the most and have found a career and a better way of living.
- Helped Charities.
By the time I’m writing this blog post (2019),
I currently manage over $250K on Digital Advertisement with only 1 year in business and this number keeps growing every single day.
My main goal when doing anything for my clients is never to compete but to dominate the marketplace beyond what competitors can even comprehend, I’m 100% against following the “industry leader” or the competitors because most the time they don’t even have a clue of what they are doing. Everything I do is fully custom and targeted for each one of these businesses audience, I always do a customer and marketing research (on my customer’s customers profile) in order to make the best decision when building a website or a marketing campaign,
Warren Buffet Says: “The more you learn, the more you earn.”
I hope you enjoy this quick read and apply these 10 things to your business’ website, if you do so, please share with me your success story by sending me an email to;, I would love to hear them out!
Please also follow me on Instagram @ijosesilvera and subscribe to my Youtube Channel at
Now let’s roll!
You Can Watch The Video Here If You Prefer That (if not just keep scrolling) ?
I have to tell you before we start, here we are not targeting to compete with other businesses in your niche, we’re trying to be the very best, to DOMINATE.
So to do that, you need to have an excellent website, high-end, top of the line. Here are some of the essential things that every great website should have, for it to help you be the very best inside your industry.
Take a look at your current website, if your website looks like five years old, ten years old or just freaking old, you have to update your website and make it look newer and modern, fresh, you have to make your visitors feel amazing and relate to your business almost in a personal way, you have to make a connection with them. There’s this persona that you have to target, your targeted audience, the perfect customer that is qualified to buy, that needs your product. And your website needs to suit this targeted audience, if for any reason these customers don’t love your website, then you are doing it wrong.
You can’t take the customer’s preferences for granted, this is all valuable data that you can use in your advantage to make them feel good and if they feel good… they pay good!
Did You Know?!
In 2017 was an award winning website, because of their easy search system and modern design.
The second thing is the visibility of your business’ information on your website; your business information has to be in some place of your website that people can always see it.
Let’s say you have a header sticks top the top and follows you as you scroll up and down. This is called a “fixed header”. (The header is the top part of the website where the navigation menu usually is).
If you have a fixed header, you’re going to make sure that the phone number, email address or whatever contact information you have is visible all the time. You have a website because you want people to be able to reach you, get to know about your products and services, make sales and/or close deals. Your product information should be apparent at the top, and not just at the top but you should have it at the bottom too and everywhere you see it fits.
The contact information is the most important call to action element on your website, it is the most powerful because it’s makes the direct connection with the customer!
Once they dial in, you got them!
This is very important; out of all the listed things, this one is critical. If your website doesn’t look good on the phone and it sucks when viewed from mobile devices. Let me tell you that 60% or more of people that browse the internet, do it through their mobile devices now. So you have to make sure you get this thing covered and works flawlessly.
What should never happen on a mobile friendly or responsive website:
1. Side scrolling.
2. Overlapping Elements.
3. Hard to Read, lack of contrast of text and background. (will talk more about this later on).
4. Menu is too small or too big, and/or is not a toggle retractable menu.
Did You Know?!
Over three-quarters of adults in the United States own a smartphone. More than
twice the percentage back in 2011. Today, it’s impossible not to see anyone
without and Iphone or Android device.
You want to make sure that when people visit your website, your content is fresh. For instance, you are a restaurant, and you are talking about your food, you don’t want to sound boring when describing your dishes, you want to be interesting, you want people to imagine how good it tastes by just reading your content or looking at your images/videos, you want to evoke emotions and they will be like “ I want to go to this business because it sounds so fun and so delicious!”.
Intrigue them and you will get them to your door!
I think this is the most confusing of them all.
Internal links are hyperlinks or URL’s that direct the visitor to an objective page on your site.
For example, on a website, when navigating up and down through whatever you are reading, there are highlighted links that points people to click if they want more information on a subject and it will look like: “click here, read here, read more” those are internal links too, also the navigation menus, etc.
Internal Links on a site page will enable a reader/visitor to remain drew in with your site longer. This may urge them to turn into a client or adherent. These links are progressively available to readers/visitors, and they increase the authority of your website pages and your website in general. Internal Links are frequently utilized as a source of inspiration. For instance, they may incite a reader/visitor to browse or study a topic by tapping on the internal link, or, in all likelihood, request that a reader/visitor get in touch with you or schedule a visit.
For example, you were talking about this product that is amazing and how it has solved many people’s issues, or you’re talking about a service, or you’re talking about anything you can think of. You want to make sure that these people are able to keep reading and learn more.This is also very important for SEO.
Right now, more than half of the world’s population is on social media, there are over a billion active users on Facebook already, so at this point it is like everybody is using it. You want to tell everybody, “My Business is on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn! I post everywhere, and follow my people religiously, I love my folks on Instagram! Follow me!” and with this, they will keep following you and knowing about your business.
They will see all the new products and services you come up with, so is very important to put social media icons on your website and build that social media presence as well, this will make you lots of money I promise you!
A fresh web design with visual graphics or effects creates a different kind of user experience. Cool features and an interactive website are key to keep these guys engaged and hooked to your business.
Maybe you have seen these effects before. When you are scrolling down, you start to see new elements coming from oneside or the other, and then come together and form one sentence, or you see this effect where it looks like somebody’s typing on the screen. There is countless effects! These effects catch your eye and therefore your absolute attention! Centuries ago, when we were cavemen, we were always hunting and we were also been hunted by other predators of all sorts. So this instincts are still inside of us.
So what are you going to do with this?
Well you can have a call to action button, for example “shop now” after you talked about your product, you say some little things briefly about it and when they scroll down, the button comes up with a smooth and nice movement, then now you make them aware of the button and that button wasn’t there before, now is there and it is big and it is red or something like that, this catches their eye immediately!
This is an amazing tool to converting people into buyers!
But Shh Don’t spread it!
If you are one of those businesses that your business card is green, then you have your website and it is yellow, and then you also have these flyers and they’re freaking blue with orange… or the epic one, you have like three different logos…
Or whatever crazy thing you are currently doing. Honestly, when I think I have seen it all, bang! There’s always someone that breaks a new record on this.
JUST STOP! You’re not creating a brand; you are killing it.
You need to establish a brand. You need to have a standard and maintain that standard forever and if you haven’t yet, do it right now.
Have these standards, and you always use them nonstop, have consistency with your logo, shirts, website, stickers, colors, flyers, etc.
If you get a billboard, and the billboard is yellow. Then they go to your website and your website is also yellow, and your logo is the same than the one they saw on your billboard, they will know it is the same company and that it is a professional, reputable business that is consistent with their branding. And this my friends, believe it or not, creates trust on your business. And trust is VITAL!
As a business owner you should know this, and you have to start creating consistency for your audience and/or your customer base, look at Coca-Cola, Nike, Disney and all these big names. Disney, has this Castle, Nike has the check mark, and they have stayed consistent forever on their style and branding.
So this is very important guys. You should always repeat and repeat, you brainwash them with your brand, they will trust you and eventually they will buy from you for sure.
Did You Know?!
It takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand, color improves brand recognition by up to 80% and presenting a brand consistently across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%.
This is something that governmental websites just can’t get right, I mean seriously, they have too many things going on. They have all these forms, all these crazy menus that are like endless trees. I suggest you to go to one of these and then you will have the perfect example of what it is that you should never do.
Well getting started with the easy menu is very simple, it can be a sidebar or at the top, even at the bottom but you have to make sure it looks good and it is not confusing. You want even a kid to be able to use it effectively!
The navigation menu has to be easy to use and easy to understand, like for instance, if you click on services, you want the services to show up. And not like, you hover on services and then there is like twenty different services and within each single service, there is like 12 more…
This is the perfect formula to lose all your customers and pass them to your next door competitor almost instantly.
You don’t want that happening on your website, so you need to stop that from happening. (and it might be happening by the time you are reading this and… ups it just happened two times more, you better fix this fast.)
It is better if you create a services tab, and then you show them your main services, so when they click the one they need, they see the different options on the same service.
For Example: Make one for “moving”, and another one for “repair” and “paint”. Visitors will click the one they need, then you distribute that into different types of “moves” or on “paint” you show them all the different colors of paints they can choose from and so on and so forth, you should get the point.
That way it will be easy for them to find what they want step by step.
But if you put everything on the menu, you’re going to confuse people.
So make as easy as possible.
It is fine if they have to look a little bit further on the website by clicking 2 times, than getting confused right off the bat when navigating the main menu, this can be a huge turn-off, you know people are lazy and they want it all stupidly simple.
You don’t want to scare the people that go to your website, and if they go and they are like: “Man, I don’t understand this!”, they will most likely just quit and leave the website because they can’t even browse around. Then all those advertisement dollars you spent will be worthless and you will be better of just lighthing them on fire and dancing around or burning some marshmallows. (BTW, I’ve heard the $100 bills are the best because they last longer when on fire… hey I’m just saying!)
Warren Buffet Says: “Rule #1: Never lose money. Rule #2: Never forget rule #1.”
This is the one thing that is keeping you from converting people and selling.
Getting people closed when buying from you is what really matters, you want your prospects to reach you and then service them to make a profit. (This is the truth)
This is the thing that you’re missing, call-to-action buttons or clear call to action elements on your website.
You have to make sure that you’re talking about your products or services and… Boom! You ought to tell people to buy now and close the deal right there, get their money and finish the transaction ASAP.
So just after you hit them with some good explanation about your product and create value, you go and put a freaking big, buy now, or call us, contact us button!
A lot of businesses are doing this wrong. They got great marketing and they put a lot of money into it, they get people to go to their website, then when they finally get customer’s attention on the product, they read through the text, they love the product and they are all hyped up about them. They are like: “Oh, I love this. I need this product right now!”
Then when they are ready to buy… They don’t even know where to click, they can’t even find where to buy the product, there’s nowhere to click and buy ! OH MY GOD!
There’s no buy now button. There’s no price. There’s nothing to guide them through the process. There’s just no way they can actually buy after they read about the product or service.
If you are thinking: Well they’ll have to go to the menu or look for the product page and… No, no, no, no!
You’re doing it WRONG.
You’re killing the customer’s time and you are destroying all that the previous good things you did. You’re destroying all the funnel and just because you don’t ask people to buy and this is one of the things you need to do when closing a deal.
Grant Cardone Says: “One of the biggest mistakes when closing a deal is never asking for the close.”
If you know about sales and you are reading this, you know what I am talking about and your website is your best salesman, it will work endlessly, it will never talk behind with your other employees and it will never complain.
But you need to have everything in place for it to be a an awesome salesman that will bring you lots of customers and sales.
In conclusion, this call to action button is going to get you more conversions than you will ever imagine, this button is going to be the closing technique of your website when it is going to close the deal!
You need to understand this. You gotta go for the close, you gotta close the customers. Most of your customers already know what they want and/or need. They’ve been researching about this product for six hours or more in average. And this is not BS. I’m telling you these people they know more than you when they go to your website. They have already been through 10 other websites or maybe even more!
And then they find your website. They like your product. They like everything, bang you tell them to buy now.
They freaking go and buy now, and they pay you and that’s what you want!
You want to CLOSE THE DEAL, you want to finish the transaction and take their money.
Grant Cardone Says:
“Business Owner told me, I don’t want to push products on customers.”
Grant replied: “It’s a shame you have products you don’t believe in.”
So now I’m going to give you two bonuses just for you guys!
Bonus number 1 is the loading speed of your Website.
If you have a website that loads in six seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds and people is like: “this thing is never-ending!”
You don’t want that to happen; actually, if you care about SEO, this thing extremely important.
Google wants you to have a website that loads in less than one second. If you achieve this time, I’m telling you you’re going to sell more, you are going to get more conversions, because you don’t want your people waiting until your website actually loads and then leave and don’t buy from you.
Does your website takes 20 seconds to load?
If it does, then you’re out of the game and they’re not gonna come back because they hate your website now. You might not have even seen the website at all.
So all the things on this book like, the modern design and all this other key points we talked about, don’t do any good to you.
You put all this effort on making it look good, but if you have a slow website, because you have a bad hosting server, you are doing things in the opposite direction.
Don’t go for bad servers, invest some money. Don’t be cheap!
Don’t be cheap on something that is going to make you thousands of dollars, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars or maybe even Millions per month.
You know, your website is your best salesman, you have invest your money on a good server!
Also invest some money probably on a good developer that is going to optimize your website and make it super fast, this matters guys.
Now, like we talked about previously, more than 60% of people, are using their phones to browse online. Their phones are not as fast as a computer, the internet is not landline hardwired internet or maybe not even wifi. It is not the same thing as having LTE 4G 3G than having wifi, you know?
These guys they don’t even know their plan ran out of megabytes, or whatever their thing is, it is super slow.
And if your website loads Superfast on their phones, guess what… They will buy from you!
This is the first impression before the first impression, you get it?
Did You Know?!
40% of people abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and PageSpeed can have a direct impact on your Google and Bing ads campaign’s Quality Score which will also increase your CPC. (Cost Per Click)
I promised you two bonuses and the second one is a no brainer.
So it’s the most stupid thing you can think of, but this is something that almost everybody does wrong, like almost everybody don’t care about this thing and you let it go but this thing is everything. It is so stupid!
You have to make sure this is on check, that the text on your website is easy to read. You have to make it big you and want to make sure that there’s contrast,
For example: You have a dark background, and you have white lettering.
Not like having a dark background and a grey font…
I mean if it is going be hard for them to read it, they are going to leave because they’re going to hate it and have a bad experience on your website. They can’t read anything if they are of an older age; everything is harder for older people. You’ve got to make sure it’s big enough for them to read or else they will have a bad time reading your content.
This is also being monitored by Google believe it or not, when they send their robots to check the SEO on your website, the robot will go over your website and tell Google if there’s good contrast between your background and the text and also the other things your website is missing. You’ve got to fix this. They’ll tell 40% of people abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, and PageSpeed can have a direct impact on your Google and Bing ads campaign’s Quality Score which will also increase your CPC. (Cost Per Click) you on the Google “” tool. (amazing tool BTW, it will tell you everything that is wrong with your website and fixing this will also help you with your SEO)
If you give your business, you’re targeting older people you got to keep that in mind and those are the little things that your competition is doing wrong.
Remember we talked about dominating not competing. You don’t want to be like the rest of the guys that are using a black background with a gray text color. You don’t want that, and that’s where you kill the competition, that way you dominate the market because you do all these little things right.
I hope you do all these tips I am giving you, because trust me, this is going to get your business from the ground up to the highest places it can possibly get to and then even more!
If you like to be at the top of the food chain and be the very best in your sector, then you need too invest some money on a website, marketing and make sure your customer service and sales team is top of the line as well.
You ought to have an amazing website, one that is perfect and on check with all these things listed on this book and even beyond that, the best very best in your industry, that way you make it clear on who is superior.
Remember that your website is the best salesman you have! And you need to make it work 24/7 for you, a well made website, will never let you down and bring you lots of sales and money to your business.
If you need any help, more tips, have any questions or would like to work with me & my team to help you get your business to the next level, just give us a call: (833) 886-2681 or send an email to and I promise to: get back to you ASAP.
Your Friend, Jose Silvera.
About Jose Silvera
Owner of Jose Strive Enterprise, youtuber, entrepeneur and author of the “10 things every great website has”, Jose Silvera Manages Over 250K in Digital Advertising a year. Recognized by Google & Bing ads high management for his uncomparable conversion rates and campaign optimization, Jose has helped many businesses all around the globe by increasing their sales by 100%+ through digital marketing and sleek website design.
Strive Enterprise has been selected among the Top Web Design Companies in Las Vegas by Designrush