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CSR Marketing: Why You Should Invest in It

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is all about making sure that your company is doing good in the world. It’s not just giving money to charity—it’s making sure that every single thing you do has a positive impact on society.

And if you’re a business owner, you know how important it is to be socially responsible. But what does that mean? And how do you actually get started?

We’re here to answer those questions and more! We’ve got answers for everything from what is CSR marketing to the most common questions about the practice. Ready? Let’s get started!

FAQS on Domain Expiration and Renewal

As we all know, domain expiration isn’t the end of the world. Actually, if you have a smart plan in place you can pretty much make sure your domain never expires and keep it renewed ahead of time too! So, let’s cut straight to the chase and tell you what to do.

The Top 11 Best Domain Name Registrars in 2022

You’ve got an idea, you’re ready to build something great, and you need a place to host it. This is when you come across the critical issue of choosing a domain name. And in order to do that, you have to register a new domain. What happens next? Which domain registrar should you choose? We’ll go through the 11 best domain registrars out there in 2022.

10 Ways to Keep Hackers Out of Your Website’s Pants

You don’t want me to get too graphic here, but let’s just say keeping up with your site’s security is like doing your weekly laundry: you know it has to be done, but you hate doing it. I know that’s how I feel at times. But there are a few tips and tricks you can use to keep those hackers out of your website’s pants!

A Quick Explanation of Web Design & Web Development

In this article, I’m going to try to explain web design and development in the shortest way possible. If you’ve ever wondered what’s the difference between web design and development, you’re not alone. Many people think that the two are very similar or even the same. But it turns out that they are two distinct professions with separate skill sets. Sure, a web designer may have some programming knowledge and a developer may have some design skills, but they don’t mix very well in an ideal scenario.

What Are Public Domain Images? Everything You Need To Know.

Are they free? Yup, they’re free. The photographer doesn’t protect his or her rights to the images. They are free to use as you please. Are they poor quality? Not necessarily. Some of the best images on the web are in the public domain. Are they old? In fact, some of the most powerful photos today are taken from public domain pictures of yesteryear—What’s the catch? Well, if you’re using a photo that is definitely copyrighted in your content, you could possibly be sued for copyright infringement. Which is why it’s really important to have a good understanding of what you can and can’t do with them (click on!).

10 Best Tools for Valuating Your Domain & Why You Need Them

Domain valuation. It’s important, you know. Valuations are core to domain name investing, yet there isn’t a ton of information about what it is, why it is important and how to go about doing it. There’s plenty of information on the value of domains, but not a ton of information on valuation. This post will come in handy if you’re looking for an answer regarding this matter!

8 Usability Mistakes You Might Make When Using Photos on Your Website

The internet sure is a strange place. Those mysterious Google algorithms are constantly evolving, and user preferences change all the time. One thing that remains constant, though, is the importance of using photos in website design. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but using a photo that’s grainy or confusing can compound problems […]

8 Ways To Use Images More Effectively In Your Site Design

by Charleen Montano June 7, 2022 Websites are like a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get. Sometimes they’re filled with images that make your eyes bleed. Sometimes they have pictures that look like they were taken by a drunk chimpanzee with a cell phone in your pocket– I’m looking at you, […]

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